Business Related Tools For Your Company
Business Tech

6 Business Related Tools For Your Company

Getting the right tools for your company is essential to creating a functioning organization. There are many things to keep track of, and as companies grow, these priorities expand even more. To handle everything with minimal error and streamline success, business tools can be implemented. Here are six business-related tools to consider integrating into your company. 

1. A Payroll System

Ensuring everyone is paid on time is an essential part of conducting business. From your employees to third-party players, the right payroll system can automatically inform you of payments to be made and when. You’ll be able to calculate earnings and budget for expenses without error using automated features within these systems. 

Look for payroll systems that also include tax information, so everyone at your business is covered annually. You should also look into workers compensation management software to cover all the bases involved with these specifics. 

2. Digital Communications Platform

With today’s workers being highly remote, it is vital to set up a communication platform that bypasses the distance between workers and the company. Using communication platforms, employees can manage business conversations with each other, no matter where they are. Share and send files and instant messages, and discuss project goals within one secure platform that can rest on the desktop of your home computer. Working from home and internationally both just got a whole lot easier! 

3. OKR Goals Software 

Establishing company-wide goals becomes more accessible when everyone in the organization knows what to expect. With OKR software, you can organize your team around specific, time-measured goals and the steps required to reach these goals within one system. 

Track productivity and oversee employee work habits using OKR software. You’ll also be able to navigate your company goals around a trusted system of goal setting that is used by large corporations like Apple and Amazon. By defining your Objectives and Key Results, you can reach your goals faster and with greater specificity than ever before. 


man using MacBook

4. Task Management Software

Keep track of your employees’ working habits with task management software that allows you to upload and check-off tasks as they are completed. Employees will receive notifications that keep them in the loop of incoming assignments and awareness of deadlines approaching. Comment and share your files and establish a solid digital workspace using task management software

5. A Shared Calendar

Make sure everyone at work knows the meeting times and project deadlines they are involved with by inviting everyone to a shared work calendar. Using Google Drive or similar processes, you can create a shared Calendar document that is viewable by those who have permission to see it within your company. 

You can also allow access to editing features for certain people within your organization who are handling specific events and tasks. Receive notifications when changes have been made to the calendars so you can stay on track of changed plans and upcoming events. 

6. A Shared Drive

Ensure that all your files are shared on a secured company drive so that everything remains in one place. Keep your documents saved in the Cloud and apply the comment features for any changes that need to be made to specific documents. 

Utilize systems like Box to upload your employee documents for review and sharing with others in the company. You can also download these files to your computer, depending on the features and permissions set up by the admin. 

The Bottom Line

Getting the right tools for your company is about integrating the basic organizational systems that keep businesses organized. Track employee progress, and secure company information using the above mentioned tools.

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