
7 Corporate Secretarial Services in Singapore That’ll Keep You in Business

When you’re first starting out as an entrepreneur, you might think that corporate secretarial services are something you can do without. After all, as long as your paperwork is in order, you’re good to go, right? Unfortunately, no—there are some secretarial services you absolutely must have if you want to keep your business going strong.

  1. Powers of Attorney

A corporate secretarial service can help you with a number of things, from drafting and filing paperwork to maintaining records and preparing for annual general meetings. They can also act as your company’s representative in court, if necessary. Here are seven corporate secretarial services in Singapore that can help keep your business running smoothly: -Corporate Governance & Compliance: Providing advice on governance, compliance and other corporate legal matters

-Directors’ Liability Insurance: Ensuring directors are fully covered against the financial consequences of any claims or proceedings brought against them

-M&A Advisory Services: Helping you make informed decisions when it comes to buying another company or merging with an existing one

-Executive Search & Headhunting: Finding high calibre candidates for the executive team

-Specialist Company Reporting Requirements (SRCR): Drafting reports on behalf of the Board so that all shareholders have complete visibility into the performance of their investments ; providing regular updates on company progress; conducting research and analysis; liaising with auditors and regulators; completing statutory requirements such as filing accounts, returns and tax computations

-Taxation Advice: Preparing for upcoming changes to taxation laws

-Outsourcing: Outsourcing some of your internal administrative functions to specialist third parties

  • Wills

1. A corporate secretarial service can help you create a will that outlines your wishes for your business in the event of your death.

2. This type of service can also help you keep your will updated as your business changes and grows.

3. A corporate secretarial service can also help you with estate planning, which can be a complex process.

4. They can also help you with tax planning and preparing for tax audits.

5. If you have shareholders, a corporate secretarial service can help you keep them informed of company developments and answer their questions.

6. They can also help you with compliance issues, such as filing annual reports and keeping track of corporate filings.

  • Statutory Declarations

A corporate secretarial service can help you with a range of company compliance matters, from preparing and filing statutory declarations to maintaining registers and records. Here are seven corporate secretarial services in Singapore that’ll keep you in business:

1. Maintaining Registers and Records

2. Preparing and Filing Statutory Declarations

3. Acting as a Company Secretary

4. Providing Corporate Governance Advice

5. Assisting with share allotments and transfers

6. Filing annual returns

7. Maintaining the company’s seal

  • Contracts

1. Corporate secretarial services can help you with a wide range of contract-related needs, from drafting and reviewing to negotiating and finalizing.

2. In Singapore, there are a number of reputable firms that offer these services.

3.Some of the top corporate secretarial service providers in Singapore include Wong Partnership, Rajah & Tann, and Morgan Lewis Stamford LLC.

4. These firms have a team of experienced lawyers who are well-versed in corporate law and can provide you with the best possible advice.

5. If you’re looking for someone to help you with your contract needs, then these are the firms you should consider.

  • Company Registration

Company registration is the first step in setting up a business in Singapore. It’s a straightforward process that can be done online through the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). Once you’ve registered your company, you’ll need to provide corporate secretarial services. These services include maintaining statutory registers, preparing and filing annual returns, and holding shareholders’ meetings. There are a number of firms that offer these services, so it’s important to do your research to find one that best suits your needs. Here are seven corporate secretarial services in Singapore that will keep you in business -Annual Returns: Annual returns are documents that must be filed by companies with an ACRA license every year. They must include financial statements, as well as details about directors, managers, and other information on how the company was run over the course of a year.

-Directorships: Directorships oversee all aspects of running a company from strategy to day-to-day operations. Directors may also have to sign off on loans or sale agreements for their companies as well as hold shareholder meetings. If you’re looking for someone who has experience with certain sectors or industries then make sure they mention this in their job description.

  • AGM & Shareholder Meetings

Annual general meetings (AGMs) and shareholder meetings are a necessary part of running a company in Singapore. AGMs are held to update shareholders on the company’s performance over the past year and to elect the board of directors. Shareholder meetings may be called to discuss important decisions, such as changing the company’s articles of association.

corporate secretarial services can help you with both AGMs and shareholder meetings. They can also help with other compliance matters, such as filing annual returns and maintaining statutory registers. It’s not always easy managing all the paperwork associated with an SME, so these professionals make life easier by taking care of all that paperwork for you. The right one will also offer business advisory services to help your company grow.

  • Accounting & Taxation
  • Tax planning and management
  • Company registration
  • Corporate structuring
  • Nominee services
  • Intellectual property registration
  • Business advisory 8. Asset protection
  • Cyber security (including risk assessment)
  • Data privacy (including GDPR compliance)

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