commercial roofing company

When it comes to roofing, there are several essential aspects that a professional roof inspector will focus on. These include leaks, organic growth, and warped shingles. If you have any concerns about your roof, it is best to contact a roofing contractor for an inspection.

Signs of leaks

A roof inspection can uncover many signs of leaks, including cracked or peeling shingles and corroded flashing. You can also spot stains on walls and ceilings caused by water. You should also look for dripping gutters and damaged flashing at the corners.

Leaks can cause extensive damage to your home, so it’s crucial to hire a roof inspector to ensure that your roof is in good shape. While inspecting your roof, the inspector will also check interior walls, ceilings, and the attic for evidence of water damage.

Dark stains or streaks can spot water damage to a roof in the attic. While these aren’t always indicative of a leaking roof, they indicate water entering your home. This can cause a significant amount of damage very quickly.

Signs of organic growth

If you’re a homeowner, you know that the presence of moss and mould can damage your roof. These types of growth can erode roofing material and block downpipes, causing extra moisture to accumulate on your roof. They can also attract insects that can do even more damage. Moreover, weeds can grow in cracks in your roof, attracting pests. This is why it’s essential to have your roof inspected by a professional.

One of the most common signs of organic growth is black spots on the roof. These spots are caused by gloeocapsa magma algae, leading to thousands of dollars in damages. The black spots on your roof may look like dirt, but they’re actually algae.

Signs of warped shingles

Warped shingles are an indication that your roof might need to be replaced. This can happen in various ways, such as cupping, clawing, or buckled shingles. Warped shingles are often more likely to break or blow off, allowing water to enter your home.

Cracked shingles are the result of wind damage and are structurally weak. Cracking shingles in one or more areas can let water in, resulting in a complete roof replacement. While some cracks are due to age, others occur due to wind damage. Cracks in one area can be repaired, but if they are widespread, you may need to replace the entire roof.

Damaged shingles can crumble into loose particles, known as granules. These particles may appear like rubber pellets or coarse sand. They typically collect near the edges of the roof, in the gutter troughs, and around the perimeter of your home. If you notice a large number of these particles, this means your shingles are bald and will not be effective at protecting your home from water infiltration.

Signs of improper ventilation

Poor ventilation can cause many problems for your home’s exterior. Not only can it damage your roof and gutters, but it can also allow critters inside your home. Poor ventilation can let tiny insects and rodents get in through small gaps in the roof. In extreme cases, the lack of proper ventilation can cause your HVAC system to work too hard.

Inspecting the attic is an excellent way to determine if your home’s ventilation is up to par. Check for rust on metal roof items, including HVAC and electrical components. If they are rusted, this is a sign of improper ventilation.


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