Bus Accidents

https://dubairentalbus.com/ In 1998 it was estimated that the total cost of bus accidents nationwide reached nearly $870 million annually, according to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), which also reported that while the number of incidents had declined over a ten-year period into 2001 the number of injuries remained the same if not having increased since 2001.

Several million individuals will board public transportation for a number of reasons this year. However, as public transportation becomes a more popular mode of travel, more individuals become at risk for being involved in a bus accident and developing bus or transit accident-induced injuries.

Additionally, the 2004 SSO Annual Report from the FTA also found that while ridership had increased significantly in a five-year period, fatalities were the highest they had been in a six-year period and were reaching 57 percent in 2004 alone.

Bus Accidents

There are a number of reasons and factors that can contribute to a bus or transit accident. The National Center for Transit Research (NCTR) and the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida recently conducted a study on how to improve and analyze bus safety. The researchers found that the following are several reasons for bus crashes:

* location of stop

* roadway surface type

* weather conditions

* traffic conditions

* operator status (as in a regular operator, mini-run, extra board, supervisor, etc.)

* transit vehicle movement prior to and during the time of accident

* vehicle defects at time of accident as well as last preventive maintenance

* movements of other vehicles during or prior to collision

* evasive action taken by driver

* passenger movement during or prior to accident

* pedestrian or cyclist movement prior to and during accident

* observed conditions of other driver/pedestrian/cyclist/passengers at time of accident

* additional contributory factors

Because of the extensive list of potential contributory factors that can be involved in a bus collision, it is important that steps are taken to decrease any incident that may occur. There are additional reasons that a bus accident can occur, even inadequate roadway or highway signs can lead to fatal accidents.

For example, a bus accident that killed five student athletes in March 2007 occurred because of poor roadway signage. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has since recommended that highway signage be improved by becoming clearer and more consistent. However, it seems that this is only one step being taken, and much more is likely needed immediately to protect pedestrians, other drivers and bus/transit passengers.

Improving Bus Safety

Currently, not all states require their transit systems to report and produce any type of system safety program plans. While the NCTR is working with several states to develop more significant bus accident data and tracking research, not much is being done to implement more significant safety measures that affect current passengers and vehicular drivers.

Although the FTA accompanied by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) are devising a plan that will implement improved technology likely to decrease accidents. The plan is known as the National Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI). In Pittsburgh, their work has contributed to an 80 percent reduction of claims after the bus authority implemented new safety equipment, including IVI, and procedures in buses.


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