Parth Prajapati is the Senior Developer at leading CMS Development Services Provider Company CMARIX Technolabs Pvt. Ltd. He is an experienced developer. He likes to share his thoughts on , CMS development, and Technology News.

5 Key Benefits of Angular & Use Cases

Surely, as a member of the tech industry, you understand that businesses perpetually evolve and seek technologies to enhance production efficiency. Moreover, with advancing technology trends, complex tasks such as – web development or application design, are becoming more streamlined. Whether you are starting your journey into web development or already hold significant experience in […]

Best Android Libraries
Apps and Software

Best Android Libraries to Try in 2023

Android app development has gained significant importance in the present era. With such a diverse range of modules and Android Libraries, it becomes challenging to determine which ones work best for meeting the requirements of the application.  Therefore, it is crucial to explore the different libraries and modules available for the Android platform to maximize […]


Why Enterprises Need To Invest in SharePoint Collaboration Tools in 2023?

Covid-19 has forced businesses to rethink how they do business and how they secure their information. With the virus spreading quickly and causing widespread damage, it is more important than ever for businesses to have a secure platform for their operations. SharePoint CMS solution has proven to be a secure platform for corporate use, and […]