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Understanding Automatic License Plate Recognition for Law Enforcement Purposes

automatic license plate recognition

New technology and devices make solving crimes and tracking criminals easier for law enforcement officers. License plate readers are installed on all police vehicles to capture license plate data in all areas, and the data center provides fast access to information when officers need it. Read more about how these devices and technology improve law enforcement efforts.

Verifying A Stolen Vehicle

After a vehicle owner reports their car stolen, law enforcement agencies spread the word to all patrol officers, including details about the automobile. They share the make, model, color, and license plate number along with any attributes that stand out, such as windshield or backglass decals. Bumper stickers with uncommon logos or slogans are also helpful.

As patrol officers drive through traffic and local areas, the automatic license plate reader captures all license plates around the patrol car. The data transfers to a centralized database, and the system reviews incoming data for tags that match the stolen car’s registration information. After a match, officers receive an alert for the car’s current location. By understanding automatic license plate recognition and how it works, more agencies can recover stolen vehicles and help owners avoid serious financial losses.

Tracking Down Vehicles Involved in Terrorist Activities

All law enforcement agencies are notified when a terrorist act happens, and an alert is issued if any agency has a description of the vehicle. If the license plate number is known, automatic license plate readers can help the agencies find and track the perpetrator’s vehicle.

All views from traffic are sent to the database. The system assesses all incoming license plates until it finds the perpetrator’s vehicle. The data from the readers help all agencies track the movements of the terrorist and apprehend them before another catastrophe happens.

Find a Suspect Who Left a Crime Scene

Criminal investigations often lead to witness testimonies about the perpetrator, and if the witness saw the criminal’s vehicle, law enforcement agencies can conduct searches for the license plate number. Even if the witness didn’t see the license plate number, investigators can use basic information to search DMV records and find all cars that match the description. With license plate numbers, officers and investigators collect data from traffic, parking lots, and nearby properties to find the vehicle.

Accessing Reader Data When Tracking a Suspicious Individual

During routine patrols, officers investigate suspicious individuals to determine if they have committed a crime or may have criminal intent. The license plate readers help officers to collect the license plate number from the individual’s vehicle and conduct a search to find out who they are. If there are any existing warrants for the individual, patrol officers can apprehend the person on sight.

License plate recognition is available through readers installed on traffic lights and in patrol cars. The new technology collects license plate numbers in local areas, and officers can use the data to pinpoint the location of perpetrators. Speak to a service provider to find out why your agency needs these devices to improve criminal investigation efforts.