Tech Translate
Business Tech

Can New Tech Translate Inuktitut, Khmer, and Tech Translate?

Do you know that 70% of internet users browse web pages in their local languages? A translation tool is very significant if you want to expand your business in new markets. One innovative tool is Microsoft Translator.

It is a machine translation service that is developed by the Microsoft Corporation. It provides Microsoft Cognitive Services that are integrated with many products. In addition to it, it provides text and speech translation for businesses through cloud services.

Another important translation tool is Google Translate. It is a very fast tool. Due to this reason many human translators cannot compete with their speed. Google can translate a large bulk of data in just a few seconds. There are some rare languages in the world that we are not aware of them. 

But we need to communicate in these languages to expand the business. For instance, if you want to target the Northwest territories of Canada then you have to take the assistance of Inuktitut translation services. Here Microsoft and Google translate is of great help to you.


Inuktitut is spoken in Northern regions of Canada like Québec, Manitoba, Nunavut, Labrador, and Newfoundland. One of the dialects of Inuktut is the official language of Nunavut. It is from the family of Eskimo-Aleut. It is also spoken in the West of Russia and Eastern Greenland. 

The other dialects of this language are Yup’ik, Aleut, and Inuktun.  To your surprise, forty thousand people that speak this language are residing in Canada. If you want to communicate with this niche market in Canada then you can take the assistance of a Microsoft translator. 

The good news is that Inuktitut is available in Microsoft Translator apps, Translator for Bing, and the office. Thus, it can provide you with professional Inuktitut translation services.

There are around 7193 languages spoken around the world. Unfortunately, after every two weeks, a language dies. According to the predictions, 50% and 90% of endangered languages will die. Therefore, to preserve this language, the government of Nunavut is taking certain actions. Adding Inuktitut to Microsoft is one part of this effort.


Khmer is the national language of Cambodia. It is from the group of the Mon-Khmer languages that are spoken in South-East Asia. People that speak Khmer are residing in the areas of Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. 

Moreover, 15 million people that are living in Cambodia also speak this language. Just like most of the languages in mainland South-East Asia, Kaymer is not a tonal language but it has several distinct vowels. Its origin is Indic and it is written in old script. 

 If you want to expand your business in Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam then you must go for Khmer translation services. Google Translate has added Kaymer as the 66th supported language.  Therefore, you can easily make Kymer content available for the target market through professional Khmer translation services. The Google translate team is working hard to improve the quality of translations and they are meeting the standards of quality translation through alpha status.

Alpha status is the early version of translation that is preferable in many situations but it is not the ultimate solution. Khmer is a challenging language for translation systems for two reasons. This is because there is not much data on the web and words used in this language are separated by spaces. Therefore, Microsoft Translate needs to learn how to separate words.


Lao is the official language of Laos. It is a multilingual country where people speak 86 languages. The Lao language itself is spoken in many dialects. Different kinds of Lao language include Northern, Southern, Western, and Central Lao. The most understood dialect is Vientiane Lao which is the basis of Lao vocabulary.

Many languages that are associated with Lao are Nyaw, Thai Dam, Phu Thai, and Thai Daeng. The Lao language is from a group of tonal languages that are Kra-Dai, Tai-Kadai, Kadai, and Daic. This language is also spoken in Northeast Thailand and it is known as the Isan language there.

If you want to expand your business in any Lao-speaking country then, you must go for Lao translation services. No doubt the Lao language has met all the expectations of Google otherwise it won’t be included in it.  If any company is asking Google Translate for professional Lao translation services, then it can provide impeccable translations just by clicking on words and phrases. Additionally, Google Translator Toolkit can be also used to upload translations.

Wrapping Up

Before selecting Microsoft or Google for the translation of a rare language, you first have to check whether they are providing translation services in that rare language or not. After that select the appropriate translation tool. 

 Initially, people used to think many times before targeting niche markets but now digitalization and translation tools have made this task easy. No matter what language your target market speaks, you can communicate with them in the language that they understand. 

Microsoft and Google are improving translation services by adding different new languages. So, will you opt for Microsoft or Google for your business project?

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