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Check Shoulder MRI in Santa Fe for Diagnosing Rotator Cuff Problems


Shoulder MRI may be considered if your doctor thinks you have rotator cuff problems such as rotator cuff tears, bursitis, or tendonitis. There are few side effects associated with this procedure, so it’s often recommended for patients experiencing pain from the rotator cuff area. However, there are precautions you should take before undergoing a shoulder MRI to ensure your safety during the exam and that of the medical staff conducting the test. Here’s what you need to know about shoulder MRI in Santa Fe and how it can help diagnose your shoulder pain problems.

Why Have An MRI?

Most people don’t realize how common it is to have a problem with your rotator cuff. Every year, around 11% of Americans will have an issue with their rotator cuff. Almost 30% of 40-year-olds and 50% of 60-year-olds will experience some sort of issue! The good news is that 90% of rotator cuff injuries are minor enough that they don’t require surgery, but they can be quite painful. And when it comes to your shoulder and elbow, you want to make sure you get it checked out right away!

What Shoulder MRI Can Help You Find Out

A shoulder MRI can help you find out if a shoulder problem is due to arthritis, ligament tears, or labrum damage. This may be helpful because it could lead to nonsurgical treatment that’s less invasive and more comfortable than surgery. For example, not all rotator cuff tears require surgery. But how do you know if your tear requires medical attention? An MRI scan may be able to show whether your rotator cuff tear has a full-thickness defect (which may mean surgical repair is needed). If your tear has a small defect and hasn’t progressed over time, physical therapy might be an option for treating your pain. Shoulder MRIs can also help detect other problems associated with rotator cuff injuries, such as bursitis or tendonitis.

How It Works

A doctor diagnoses rotator cuff problems with a physical exam. If they suspect you have damaged or torn muscles, tendons, or bursa (pads of tissue that separate muscles and bones) in your shoulder, they may suggest an MRI get a more detailed look at your joint. During an MRI scan, a technician uses magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of your joints. An MRI scanner is a tunnel made up of rings, each containing powerful magnets. Radio waves travel through your body and are absorbed by tissues containing hydrogen atoms—like water molecules—and then converted into digital images.

Are There Alternatives?

Though MRIs are widely used, they aren’t always needed. Doctors can use physical exams and imaging techniques like X-rays or CT scans to diagnose and treat patients. While these approaches might not provide as much detail as an MRI, they are sometimes all that’s needed to reach a diagnosis or effective treatment plan. Be sure to ask your doctor if there are alternatives to an MRI that could be right for you. The most important thing is getting accurate information about your shoulder pain, regardless of whether it comes from one test or another. As with anything else in life, balance is key; a single tool can only tell us so much about what’s going on inside our bodies!

Where You Can Get Your Shoulder MRI Done In Santa Fe

Santa Fe Imaging Specialists can perform a shoulder MRI on you to determine exactly what’s going on. Whether it’s rotator cuff or labor damage, we can get to work diagnosing and treating your issue. To find out more about our services or make an appointment, contact us today. We look forward to serving you.

What Can Go Wrong During A Shoulder MRI?

All MRIs are not created equal, and it’s vital to find a facility that understands your specific needs. If your doctor recommends a shoulder MRI, find out if an open or closed MRI scanner will be used. Open scanners allow for more rapid imaging of large joints (i.e., shoulders), but due to potential health risks from strong magnetic fields and moving parts, they’re not recommended for people with metal implants or metal-containing medical devices (such as pacemakers). For these patients, closed scanners are often safer—but they can lead to longer scanning times and possibly weaker images. If you opt for an open scanner, make sure you aren’t claustrophobic! Other issues to consider

Final Words

Almost all diseases have early warning signs. A good doctor will tell you to listen to your body and report any pain, symptoms, or worrisome changes immediately. However, when it comes to cancer, even doctors can miss something if a patient doesn’t fully understand what he or she is experiencing. That’s why it’s so important to inform yourself about cancer symptoms – and realize that anything out of the ordinary could be a sign of trouble.