
Common Signs to Know When You Need a Professional Hot Water Service

A hot water service is a common requirement of every bathroom. However, it is also one of the most neglected amenities when it comes to the routine maintenance. When you buy a hot water system, you hardly come across any troubles in the first few years. Eventually, people tend to notice performance degradation. A geyser is said to have a lifespan of at least 10 years. But not all hot water system serves for 10 years. Some start degrading in eight years, while many others offer you service for 15 years without much trouble. But the service or lifespan of a geyser depends on various factors like:

  • Maintenance
  • Water quality
  • Sedimentation rate
  • Geyser quality
  • Electrical issues, etc. 

However, the older your water heater system the more likely to get issues. You need to consider repairs if you find your geyser not working, however, knowing the signs of repair or need for hot water service can help you to call a professional immediately and avoid further damage. 

The most obvious sign, of course, is that your water isn’t getting heated in a way that it should. It might heat up very briefly then immediately decrease, it may only get to a lukewarm state, or it may simply stay cold.

Inconsistent Heating:

There could be multiple reasons behind inconsistent and insufficient heating of water. One of the most common reasons is the deposition of minerals and the formation of a coating that hinders the water from heating properly. These kinds of depositions also lead to low water pressure as well. There are many areas that have hard water. As the amount of magnesium and calcium differs in the water, the hardness also differs. The minerals formulate white particles when heated and creates a layer inside the water tank. this layer is a poor conductor of heat. Therefore, it restricts the water in the tank to get heated sufficiently. Other common reasons which can trouble the heating of water include:

  • Thermostat regulation
  • Faulty pressure balance valve
  • Supply water is too cold
  • Electric supply or voltage issues

Rusty Water:

If you notice colour alterations in the water running from the tap, it might be a sign that your hot water system needs a repair. Sometimes, the tank inside a geyser starts corroding, resulting in rusty water. However, if you tend to neglect it, the corroding could sooner or later lead to the bursting of the tank. Moreover, hot water systems are designed with anode rods that naturally tend to attract any corrosive elements present in the water. You need a professional in such cases to detect if the tank is completely damaged or just replacing the anode rod will do. 


Your hot water system might be making strange noise. Referring to strange noise from the water heater means, a popping or rumbling kind of sound which is different from its regular sound. You can blame the mineral depositions again that lead to overheating of the appliance. The mineral depositions make it hard to heat the water, it also leads to overheating of the heating element and sometimes even to burning the heating element. As it had to put in some extra efforts to heat the water, the strange noise comes out of te appliance. 

Leaking Water: 

The metal tank inside the heater expands when water heats and contracts when water flows out. Due to this continuous expansion and contraction, the tank might develop cracks that leads to water leakage over time. 

As you know the most common problems your hot water service can go through. A slight negligence can cause more damage. Therefore, never delay and call the services to get it fixed right now.

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