Dogs can make strange mouth movements for a variety of psychological and behavioral reasons. This includes teeth chattering and lip-smacking. It also involves frequent opening and closing of the mouth.

It can be entertaining to see your dog make strange faces, but it can also be alarming if they do this repeatedly.

There are many reasons why your dog might be acting strangely with their mouth. These could be behavioral or psychological.

While most dogs don’t exhibit unusual mouth movements, some dogs can be affected by certain diseases that cause them to smack their lips and grind their teeth. It is important to determine the cause of strange mouth movements in your dog and take steps to stop them.

Does your dog make strange mouth movements?

Because dogs chatter a lot, their mouths can become distorted. Frequent clicking of the teeth can be caused by fear, cold, anxiety, and other reasons.

Sometimes dogs can be clumsy. Dogs can sometimes be clumsy and their owners mistakenly think they are displaying clumsiness. If owners aren’t attentive to their dogs, this can lead to serious problems.

You should pay attention to strange mouth movements in your dog if it is exhibiting unusual behavior.

Dogs often make strange mouth movements when their teeth chatter. When dogs are anxious, afraid, or cold, this causes teeth to click.

The Top 5 Reasons Dogs Make Weird Mouth Movements

There are many reasons why dogs make strange mouth movements. Dogs can have food stuck between their teeth, or they may be suffering from other medical issues.

It can be wonderful to come home after a long day and meet your dog. Sometimes it can be frustrating when your dog makes strange mouth movements that make no sense.

1. Food stuck between teeth

It can be strange to see the mouth open and close repeatedly. Your dog may appear to be chewing but has nothing in its mouth. This could indicate that it is trying to get rid of food stuck in its teeth.

Sometimes, food can get stuck between their teeth and make it difficult to remove. Dogs don’t have the ability to hold a toothpick. To remove stuck particles, dogs rely on their tongues and mouth movements.

2. Lip Smacking

Your dog may be known to lick your lips when you give it its favorite treats. Dogs will lick their lips when hungry under normal circumstances. In this instance, lip-smacking is almost always accompanied by drooling.

It could be stress-related or because your dog feels intimidated if it smacks its lips fast and often.

3. Dental Issues

Dental issues are one of the main reasons dogs have strange mouth movements. Your dog may open and close their mouths constantly if it has a broken or loose tooth.

A disturbance in the dog’s mouth could cause it to make strange faces.

  • Oral ulcers
  • Bug bites
  • Salivary cysts
  • Periodontal disease
  • Gingivitis [2]
  • Abscesses

Consult a veterinarian if your dog has a problem with its mouth.

4. Choking

Dogs love to chew on anything they can find. You can give your dog a ball, a stick, or your favorite shoes. They chew on bones most often.

Dogs love bones. Dogs can choke if they chew on a bone that is broken.

5. Bruxism

The most common cause of strange mouth movements in dogs is bruxism[3] also known as teeth grinding. Teeth chattering could refer to many things. It can be classified as either behavioral or psychological chattering.

Dogs who grind their teeth are called

  • Stress
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Anxiety
  • Malocclusion
  • Cold can cause shivering
  • Distemper [4]
  • Epilepsy
  • Dental pain

These conditions can be treated and made to feel better for your dog.


Caring for a pet requires a lot of attention, but knowing how to deal with it is vital to your pet’s well-being. Careallpets Website helps pet owners with valuable information about dog issues so that they can maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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