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Hiring a Home Cleaning Service

Move Out Home Cleaning Services in Toronto ON

Move Out Home Cleaning Services in Toronto ON

Hiring a home cleaning service is a great way to get your house in tip-top shape. Cleaning a house takes a lot of time, so it is important to hire someone who is efficient and thorough. There are many parts of a home that need cleaning, from the kitchen to the bathrooms, to the oven and behind the refrigerator.


The costs of hiring a home cleaning service vary widely. A basic service, for example, may cost between $75 and $175. This type of cleaning involves basic tasks such as dusting, wiping surfaces, and emptying wastebaskets. It is also typically performed several times a month.

The cost of hiring a cleaning service is also dependent on the type of cleaning needed. While simple cleaning won’t require a lot of time, a deep cleaning will take more time. Also, specialty cleaning requires more supplies and time than basic cleaning. Fortunately, most cleaning services allow you to choose the type of services that best fit your needs and budget.

While a cleaning service may charge a bit more per cleaning, a reliable company will ensure quality service and give you peace of mind. Before hiring a cleaning service, ask for proof of their license and ask if their cleaners are employees or subcontractors. Since many businesses subcontract labor, it’s important to know who’ll be working in your home and if the cleaning service uses the same staff for all cleanings. Furthermore, make sure the cleaners are insured and vetted.

Communication With A Home Cleaning Service

When hiring a home cleaning service, it’s important to be in communication with them. This will help you avoid any potential miscommunication. You can use email, text messages, or notes to let your cleaner know about your needs and expectations. You should also meet in person to discuss any issues that may arise.

Good communication will help you learn more about the cleaning service company and its values. It will also help you decide if the partnership will work out. It will also help you identify any potential problems early on. Good communication with your cleaning service will ensure that you get the highest quality service and are happy with the results.

Prioritizing Cleaning Tasks

Before hiring a cleaning service, it is a good idea to prioritize the cleaning tasks. Clearly list the rooms that need cleaning first, and the type of cleaning needed. For example, you may want the cleaners to vacuum the carpets, mop the floors, dust the rooms, and clean off appliances, in that order. Then, you can specify the amount of time needed to complete each task.

Prioritizing cleaning tasks is also important if you have a busy schedule. For instance, you might be too busy to complete a thorough cleaning every day, so dividing the work into smaller, weekly tasks can help you stay on track. Also, you might set a timer to stay focused on cleaning the major areas. This will avoid being overwhelmed and help you get your cleaning done faster.

Getting A Quote

Getting a quote for a home cleaning service can be a time-consuming process. It requires researching the scope of the work, estimating the number of hours needed, and calculating an acceptable price. MaidCentral simplifies this process by generating accurate quotes in minutes. The process can be repeated as often as you want. With MaidCentral, you won’t have to figure out the scope of your cleaning needs or figure out how much you can afford. Professional companies generally charge $25-45 per hour for their work. This rate depends on the size of the home, and is generally higher in major cities than in smaller areas. One helpful metric is square footage. A one-time house cleaning service can take just a couple hours, but it is important to know the details of your cleaning project.