
How Long Can Koi Go Without Food?

Keeping koi is a time-consuming and expensive hobby. Koi are finicky eaters, with different species preferring particular foods at certain times of the year. But what happens if you neglect to feed your fish for an extended period? If your koi go without food for several days, how long do they have before they start to suffer? In this article, we explain when koi fish food should not be fed, the types of food that are best for your fish and how often you need to feed them. We also provide a list of suitable foods and tips on how often you should feed your fish.


When should you not feed your koi?

Very few koi hobbyists intentionally starve their fish to death. In most cases, fish owners simply forget to feed their fish. While this isn’t a crime, it can be very damaging to your fish. To make sure you don’t accidentally starve your koi to death, make a note of these situations where you shouldn’t feed your fish.

– Water temperature – Fish require certain amounts of energy to swim and keep themselves warm. If the water is too cold, your koi won’t have the energy to feed. Ideally, the temperature of your water should be around 21-26 degrees Celsius.

– Poor water conditions – Poor water conditions can cause your fish to become stressed, which can reduce the urge to feed. Water conditions you should be particularly wary of include low oxygen levels, high ammonia and nitrite concentrations and high levels of toxic substances such as heavy metals.

– Disease – Some diseases can affect your fish’s appetite, while others can make them sick in general. You should always isolate koi that are showing signs of disease to prevent the infection from spreading to other fish.


Types of Koi Food

There are two types of koi food: dry and liquid. Liquid foods are generally easier to use and are popular with owners who have smaller fish to feed. Dry foods are more suited for larger koi and are more convenient to use.

Dry Food – Dry food can be used to feed your koi either as a main meal or as a treat. Some dry food brands also contain high-quality pellets that are suitable for everyday feeding.

Liquid Food – Liquid koi food is more convenient to use than solid food. It can be fed by hand or poured into a feeding bowl. Liquid food is more likely to spoil than dry food, so you should use it as soon as possible after opening the container.


How often should you feed your koi?

The best way to find out how often you should feed your koi is to find out how much they should eat. The amount koi should eat depends on several factors, including the size of their stomach and their metabolism. The temperature of the water can also affect how much they need to eat. A good rule of thumb is to feed koi twice a day. The first feeding should take place around midday and the second should be given in the evening just before lights out. The amount and type of food you give your koi should be enough to sustain them, but not so much that it creates waste.


Recommended Foods for Koi

Several brands of koi food are known for their high quality. The following brands are considered some of the best dry foods for koi. 

– API Koi Food – API Koi Food is one of the most popular dry foods for koi. It is suitable for fish of all sizes and contains a mix of protein-rich pellets and high-quality fishmeal. API is also available in several different flavors, so your koi will always look forward to feeding time. 

– Tetra Floating Granules – Tetra Floating Granules are designed to float at the top of your pond, so they are easy to feed to your koi. They are packed with nutrients and vitamins and can be used to feed all-size koi.


Tips for feeding your koi

– Make sure you store koi food properly – You should always keep koi food in a cool, dry place. Moisture can cause the food to go bad quickly, so be sure to store it in an airtight container.

– Choose the right type of food for your koi – Feeding the wrong type of food will either do your koi more harm than good or even kill them. Koi should only be fed dry food, as liquid food could cause them to develop swim bladder disease.

– Use a feeder in larger outdoor ponds – Feeding koi in outdoor ponds can be very tricky. It is better to invest in a feeder that can be attached to the side of your pond.



Koi require a high level of care, as they are very sensitive fish. If you feed them properly and provide them with the right environment, they can become very friendly pets that are great for beginners. Make sure you don’t accidentally starve them by following these guidelines on when not to feed your koi. If you do, your fish may not survive the experience.

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