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How Much Does Khula Cost through Lawyers

How Much Does Khula Cost through Lawyers:

If you have question how much does khula cost through top divorce lawyers, let me tell you that there is no fix fee. A non experienced and non professional charges less but can ruin your case and an experiences and professional charges about Rs50000 but can quickly get you khula. Because of a lack of knowledge on legal issues, sometimes the issue regarding child custody can be mixed up with the issue of child Nafah (expenditures). In Islam, custody means that if a mother takes custody of a child, the father is responsible for providing material support for the child. In Islam, this means that even though a child is in the Mother’s custody, the father must pay for food and other expenses. For how much does khula cost through top divorce lawyers this principle is not respected in Pakistan, and the courts do not consider it.

Article 248 in the Civil Code says:

 “Where the wife is not married to her husband, and the child is over five years old, the court may place the child in the care of another spouse who is more in the child’s best interests.” 14 In a country with low literacy rates, confusing words and concepts in the Civil Code can lead to confusion about the meanings of legal terminology and words. For how much does khula cost through top divorce lawyers Sometimes, the legal terms and concepts can also be mistranslated. It is, therefore, necessary to explain each legal term’s condition. It could be argued that the Pakistani Civil Code does not contain enough information or descriptions on the subject of child custody. The law could be improved with the assistance of lawyers from similar settings, especially those from Islamic countries.

Top Divorce Lawyer:

For how much does  khula cost through top divorce lawyers amendments should be based upon principles of international conventions to which Pakistan has agreed. Suitable strategies to fill in the gaps:For both girl and boy children, fosterage should be extended beyond nine and eleven. Seven and nine are extremely low, and children still require their Mother’s care. In the event that the child has been placed in the custody of the Mother, it is important to mention a schedule or time frame for his visit to his father.

Civil Code:

To ensure that child custody issues are covered, the section on child custody should be included in the Civil Code. It is vital that the best interests of the child are considered in law. Future generations of Pakistan will be dependent on the safety and well-being of children. For how much does khula cost through top divorce lawyers We cannot expect a just and safe society if we don’t follow the legal procedures. In other countries, support for women’s rights and children’s rights has been very strong. Pakistan has only one family court, so there is no proper mechanism for providing legal support in family law cases.

Human Rights:

Human rights institutions are needed, along with support from countries such as Egypt, which was the first to support the creation of a constitution in Pakistan and civil law. This group, together with other members of the international community, will organize a strong pressure group to persuade the Pakistani government to change the Civil Code.