Creating a music video can be a daunting task. It’s like making any other video, except that it’s three times as hard because you have to make sure the music fits the video and vice versa. But don’t worry—we’ll walk you through every step of creating an awesome music video, from picking out your song to getting all your equipment together!
Choose your music.
While you’re probably already aware of this, it needs to be said: that the best way to create an awesome music video is to start with an awesome song! The song is everything. If your video has a low-quality song, then it will not have much impact on your audience. They won’t like it because they didn’t like the song.
You should begin by choosing a song that means something to you. Why? Because if you don’t love it or feel an emotional connection with it, then there will be no passion in your performance and this will come across as awkward on screen. You also want to make sure that whatever piece of music you choose has been professionally recorded so that when people hear it for themselves (either online or on tv) they can instantly recognize its quality and talent level. Finally, make sure not only are good lyrics but also great instrumentals behind them so that both aspects combine together into one beautiful package!
Come up with a strong concept.
Next, you need to come up with a strong concept. The concept is the idea behind your video. It’s what will make it unique and interesting. The concept should be something people will want to watch and share with their friends! You can find inspiration for your music video’s concept in lots of places:
- Movies
- TV shows
- Books or short stories
- Comics
Storyboard your video.
Storyboarding is a visual representation of your video. It’s a great way to plan out the story and shots you want to include in your music video, as well as the order in which they appear.
There are many ways to create storyboards for your videos—you can try using a movie maker online or use software like Powtoon or Storyboard that lets you create them digitally. If you don’t have enough time for this step, just write down what each scene will be about and how much time it takes place in real life. This might seem like more work than it’s worth but trust me—this will save you so much time later when making changes to the script or adding new elements (like props) into existing scenes!
Shoot and edit your video.
Your next step is to shoot and edit your video.
Shooting in HD is important for a professional finish, so make sure you have the best camera possible. If it’s not available to you, use an HD converter program (iMovie or Final Cut Pro X) to enhance your video quality.
Also, do not forget about the editing process! Good editing can make all the difference between a mediocre music video and one that stands out from the rest. Use an mp3 converter if needed to convert audio files into mp3 format before importing them into your editing software. You may also need a video converter if using different cameras or formats than what they were originally created on (such as super 8 films).
Watch your video.
Before you submit your music video to any contest or market it, watch it yourself. It’s important to make sure that the video has everything you want in it and that there are no problems with the quality of the footage.
- Is the music clear and easy to understand? Does it sound like something people would want to hear? Do you hear all of the lyrics clearly?
- Is your camera focused on what it should be focused on (for example, not blurry)? Do you have good lighting and color balance? Are there any parts where someone is out of focus or moving too fast on screen?
- Is this a good length for an online release (10-15 minutes)? Would viewers get bored if it were shorter or longer than 10-15 minutes? If so, how can I avoid this problem while still showing most of my best material?
Post it on YouTube.
You are almost done! Now it’s time to put your video on YouTube so that everyone can see it.
Just like when you posted on Facebook and Twitter, try to find the best time of day to post your video on YouTube. There are tons of articles online that can help you with this, but here are some general guidelines:
- The best times for views are usually between 7 am and 5 pm local time.
- Posting in the morning is better than posting in the evening (if you’re trying to get views from North America).
- Mondays tend to be more popular than other days of the week.
The most important thing is to start with the right mindset. Don’t think of music video-making as something that has to be perfect, or even good for that matter. Instead, just try to capture some fun clips that will make your friends laugh and dance. You don’t need any fancy equipment or special skills—just have fun!