While searching for used phones for sale, you need to consider a few things. First of all, you should know the serial number, also known as ESN or IMEI, to determine whether it is genuine. If you do not know what this number is, you will need to contact the carrier directly to verify the phone’s authenticity. Most carriers allow online verification of this number, but some may require you to personally visit the carrier’s stores.
If you’re on a budget but still want to get your hands on the latest gadget, check out Gazelle’s used phones for sale. You can enjoy the benefits of a warranty and discounted prices, while also avoiding the financial risk of purchasing an expensive phone that may not work properly. What’s more, the prices are very competitive, and you can enjoy a free extended warranty with any purchase. Whether you’re a parent or a student, used phones for sale from Gazelle are always a great way to cut costs while getting a quality device.
Gazelle has earned its stellar reputation by offering consumers an easy way to sell their used electronic devices and make money at the same time. The service has been featured in numerous publications and has built a reputation for delivering excellent customer service and reliability. It has even made its way onto the BBB site. Unlike other mobile device selling platforms, Gazelle has no minimum trade-in amount, which means you can sell your used device for an affordable price.
If you want to buy a used phone for a lower price, you can list it on Swappa. The site’s guidelines say that you must include high-quality photos and a description of the device. You must also include shipping costs and PayPal protection. If the buyer does not receive the device within a specified time, you can request a refund. Swappa also lets you compare sale history of similar phones. You can choose to list your used phone in your local area as well, but you may not be eligible to receive the highest price on Swappa.
If you are looking to sell your used phone on Swappa, you need to sign up for the website, connect your PayPal account, and enter the phone’s ESN/serial number. You should enter the price you want for your phone, as well as the shipping costs, if any. The Swappa website will assign a fee to the buyer. However, before publishing your listing, you can see the total price you’ll receive.
Back Market
If you’ve been contemplating buying a new phone, consider checking out Back Market for used phones for sale. Many customers are turning to refurbished devices instead of brand new ones because they’re concerned that new models only come with incremental updates. Plus, they’re trying to avoid creating more waste. With a new battery and display, an old phone can be transformed into a stylish refurbished phone. In less than six weeks, you can have cash deposited into your bank account.
The Back Market for used phones for sale offers refurbished Samsung products for as low as $50. These phones come with warranties, optional protection plans, and free shipping. In addition to selling refurbished Samsung products, Back Market also accepts payments through the Affirm system. The company also grades refurbished devices to ensure that they’re in good condition and still offer maximum value for the money. It also shows the amount of e-waste saved by purchasing used iPhones.
Gazelle’s 30-Point Inspection
Whether you’re in the market for a new phone or you’re looking for a used phone to upgrade your current one, Gazelle’s certified phones have been thoroughly inspected by Gazelle’s 30-point inspection process. These phones are sourced from the US and undergo a 30-point inspection to ensure that they’re in good working condition. All phones are guaranteed to be fully functional. The prices vary from $49 to $1004, and Gazelle offers a 30-day return policy and a free phone charger.
In addition to the certified quality of their pre-owned phones, Gazelle offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all their devices. Gazelle’s used phones are always guaranteed to be in working condition, and the 30-point inspection process is a key component of their service. As a leading consumer electronics trade-in website, Gazelle has paid out more than $200 million in devices. They have been accredited by the Better Business Bureau and consistently receive high ratings from consumers.
If you’re looking to buy a used phone, eBay is a great place to start. The site offers a robust search filtering system that allows buyers to narrow down their choices by carrier, storage capacity, and even color. Because eBay has its roots in the auction house world, it offers several filtering options for buyers to narrow down their search. Users can also check off “Best Offer” and “Closed” filters when searching for a phone.
Before purchasing used phones on eBay, it’s important to find a reputable site. Be wary of Facebook Marketplace and newer online retailers because scams are rampant. Ensure that the site you choose offers a return policy and stands behind its products. Detailed descriptions of the phone’s condition are essential. Moreover, you should ask questions before buying a phone from an unreliable seller. Listed below are the top ten sites on eBay that have high customer satisfaction ratings.