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Relocating your office to a new location can be quite stressful, particularly if you’re trying to run your business from the move. If you find yourself in this situation, you’ll want to use some of these tips on how to make your office relocation as stress-free as possible. From packing up your existing office space to unpacking your equipment at your new home, these tips will help you make sure that the transition between locations goes smoothly and that your business doesn’t suffer in the process.

Consider Your Needs

Whether you’re moving offices or even just relocating within your current office space, your business needs should come first. But with so many things on your mind, it can be easy to forget some of the basics. Take a moment to consider which needs you have—particularly if they’re not strictly business-related. For example, do you need extra time for moving tasks? If so, try arranging flexible work hours or taking an afternoon off before moving day. Do you have valuable items such as art and antiques that require careful handling?

Maximize Your Options

If you can, try not to plan an office move on a Friday. This allows you more time and flexibility in your schedule. If there’s no way around it, try to book everything on a single day – including travel time and packing/unpacking time. Plan your office relocation for a weekend or a holiday if possible; most moving companies offer discounts for these types of moves. Remember: never underestimate how long a full office move will take. To be safe, start booking your movers about two weeks ahead of time; three is even better! Also, remember that most movers will require at least 24 hours’ notice before coming to pick up or drop off furniture or equipment – so make sure you set aside enough lead time.

Research For Options

When it comes time to relocate your office, you don’t want any last-minute surprises. The process can be incredibly stressful and time-consuming, but proper planning can help ensure that your office move goes smoothly from start to finish. To start, thoroughly research companies that offer office relocation services in East Rutherford NJ. This way, you’ll have a solid understanding of what options are available for your business in terms of shipping and storage solutions and overall service providers. A strong knowledge base will give you greater control over every step of your relocation process. If need be, take advantage of technology such as Skype and videoconferencing tools so you can connect with these organizations virtually.

Take The Time to Plan It Out

We often underestimate how long it takes for a company move to happen. While you may think you can move all your stuff from Point A to Point B in a weekend, that’s rarely realistic. Plan out your entire moving process in advance and make sure everyone involved is aware of what needs to happen and when. When you start planning, try and have every detail sorted out: from boxes and packing materials, through where items will be stored during transit, and on through delivery at their new location. And most importantly – estimate how long everything will take so that everyone stays on track with their part of things throughout the movie. Communication is key!

Get Organized Before You Move

Moving is stressful, but it’s easy to make things worse by waiting until you start packing boxes to get organized. Take a week or two before your move and do some prep work. Clean out your computer files and file cabinets (this will make it easier when moving day comes) so you don’t have last-minute moments of panic. Label all of your stuff, which makes it much easier for movers—and you once you’re in your new space.

Know Your Budget and Stick to It

Before even getting a moving estimate, you should know exactly how much you have to spend on office relocation. If you don’t, it could end up being an extremely costly mistake. The best way to ensure that your office move stays within a budget is to do some research and figure out what similar companies have spent in your area on recent relocations. Then multiply that amount by four—the average number of months between corporate relocations, according to a survey from Corporate Relocation Resources. Because that’s how long it will likely take for people to adjust, you may want to allot more money for the transition than for the actual physical relocation itself.

Organize A Moving Day Party with Friends, Family, Or Co-Workers

Planning an office move takes a lot of time and energy, which is why you shouldn’t have to do it alone. Doing so allows you to take advantage of moving resources that are available on moving day, which makes your life a whole lot easier—and less stressful. So, what are you waiting for? Invite friends and family over to your old office or place of residence and make it a party! Not only will you get packing out of the way (not entirely but at least in some capacity), but you’ll also be able to enjoy yourselves—and your last day in that old space—without feeling guilty about not working hard enough.


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