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How to Pay for A Funeral When There is No Money?

Losing a loved one is always shocking, but it can be even harder if you are left to arrange and pay for the funeral with no money on hand. As most funeral homes and burial services providers require upfront payments, families often face difficulties to fund the funeral costs quickly in a short span of time. No matter how the body of your friend or a family member is cared for or the type of funeral services you choose, a significant sum of money is required to cover the final rites of a deceased person.

The article explains some valuable ways and solutions to pay for a loved one’s funeral and what you can do when there is no money for funeral payments.

Check for Life Insurance or Funeral Insurance

As most people buy life insurance to protect the financial future of their families, it is not unusual that an individual leaves life insurance behind without telling his/her family. Even if there is no reference for life insurance coverage in the deceased person’s bank information or personal records, chances are the employer will cover him as a group insurance plan. Some people also buy funeral insurance policies to financially assist their families to pay for funeral costs. The coverage obtained from a funeral insurance provider can be used to pay for funeral expenses like medical bills, credit card payments, etc. So, make sure to check for the insurance so you can easily arrange and pay for the final
rites of a loved one.

Find the Will

Having a will makes estate planning and funeral arrangements less stressful for the family. This is the reason, most people create a will to help families plan and manage things accordingly. As a will is a legal document that enables an individual to make plans for his state and funeral after his death. Sometimes, people also set aside a particular sum of money to cover funeral costs. if you are left to make funeral arrangements, you should look for a will after the death of a family member. You can find it from the family lawyer or can find it with other personal documents of the deceased person.

Claim the Social Security Benefit

If the deceased person has worked as a government employee, he or she will be entitled to a social security death benefit. Social Security pays a one-time payment of $225 to the living spouse of the deceased person if he or she was living together. The amount can be used to fund funeral costs. You can give the social security number of the deceased person to the funeral home so they can report the death to the concerned department and apply for the benefit. You can also contact the administration of the social security department to apply for the benefits.

Donations from Family and Friends

If there is no money on hand to pay for the funeral of a loved one, turning to family and friends to secure funding for a funeral is another option you can consider. You can reach them individually in person or via phone calls to ask for donations. You can also create a social media group either on WhatsApp or Facebook messenger to send a quick donation request. Make sure to add the extended family and friends of the deceased person to get a positive response.

Shop Around and Find the Low-cost Funeral Options

The average cost of a funeral is between $7000 to $10000. The total funeral costs usually depend on the type of services you prefer. But a funeral doesn’t have to be this much expensive. For example, you can make it a direct cremation to keep the funeral costs as low as $1000 or less. In this way, you can get the ashes and plan a memorial service later on. You can keep the funeral costs minimum by reducing the number of funeral or burial services. Instead of availing services of a funeral home, you can do it yourself at your home. Comparing different funeral home services in your area is another best way to save on funeral costs and perform the final rites efficiently without borrowing money.


Finding money to cover the funeral costs of a family member or friend is not easy. But the above-mentioned ways to pay for a funeral can help. However, you should consider the right option and do it properly to honor a loved one with quality funeral services without putting yourself into debt or financial trouble.

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