Home for the Summer Season
Image Source: Makaan

The summer season is fun and relaxing, but it can also be when your home needs some extra attention. Your home can feel like a sauna between the heat and humidity. Follow these easy tips to prepare your home for the summer season.

Check Your Air Conditioner

The first step to keeping your cool this summer is to ensure that your air conditioner is in good working order. Schedule a maintenance check with a qualified technician before the weather gets too hot. By looking through a directory, you can easily find a plumber in Cumming if you live in that city or the surrounding area. This will help ensure that your unit runs efficiently and prevent unexpected breakdowns.

Clean Your Gutters and Downspouts

Gutters and downspouts play an important role in protecting your home from water damage. They can become clogged with leaves and debris during the summer, leading to water buildup and flooding. Inspect your gutters and downspouts regularly, and clean them out as needed to prevent any problems.

Use a garden hose to test your gutters and downspouts. If they are clogged, you may need a plunger or snake to clear the obstruction. If you have any trees on your property, trimming back branches that hang over your roof can help reduce the risk of water damage during summer storms.

Inspect Your Windows and Doors

Ensure that your windows and doors are in good working order before the summer heat sets in. Check for cracks or gaps around doors and windows, and seal them with caulk or weather-stripping to prevent drafts.

You may also consider installing window film or shades to help keep your home cool. For example, if your windows require repair or replacement, summer is a good time to do it. In addition, many companies offer discounts on energy-efficient windows during the summer months.

Check Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

It’s essential to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors regularly, and summer is a good time. Dust can build up on the sensors, preventing them from working correctly. Vacuum or brush the sensors clean, and test the alarms to ensure they are working correctly.

Protect Your Home From Pests

The summer season is the peak season for many pests, including ants, cockroaches, and mosquitoes. Take steps to protect your home from these and other problems. Keep food stored in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly. Seal cracks and gaps around doors and windows to prevent entry.

Check Your Plumbing

During the summer, the demand for your home’s plumbing system increases. To avoid problems, check all exposed pipes and fittings for leaks and repair or replace any damaged.

Inspect underground sprinkler systems and outdoor faucets for leaks. Ensure that hose connection is tight and drain hoses from water appliances, such as washing machines and dishwashers. If you have a septic system, have it inspected and pumped to prevent problems.

Clean Your Dryer Vent

Lint buildup in your dryer vent is a fire hazard. To reduce the risk of a dryer fire, clean your vent monthly during the summer. Remove lint from the screen after each load of laundry, and vacuum the lint trap and vent pipe monthly. If you can see the light through the vent pipe, it’s time to clean it.

To clean the vent pipe, disconnect it from the dryer and use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to remove the lint. If the pipe is longer than eight feet, you may need to hire a professional to clean it.

Water your Lawn and Garden

During the summer, your lawn and garden need extra water to stay healthy. Water early in the day to minimize evaporation, and use a sprinkler system or soaker hose to water deeply and efficiently. If you have an irrigation system, have it inspected annually by a professional to ensure that it’s working properly.

If you’re away from home for an extended time, consider hiring a lawn care service to water your lawn and garden.

Taking a few simple steps to prepare your home for the summer season can help you avoid problems down the road, and you are assured of enjoying a hassle-free summer.


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