Air Condition

How to Prevent Frozen Air Condition in different Weathers

If your air compressor system breaks down in the winter owing to the low temperatures outside, the repairs could be costly and could force you to shut down temporarily. However, with the right cold-weather preventative maintenance on your air compressor, air drier, and accessories, you may avoid the majority of these effects.

Frozen air conditioners can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a blocked air filter that prevents enough air from passing across the cooling coil. To get more steps pay a visit to

Frozen condensate is likely due to a damaged expansion valve that is not regulating the amount of refrigerant entering the cooling coil or a blocked condensate drain line. Dirty evaporation coil that prevents air from passing through it. Take precautions to avoid these reasons for your air compressor to freeze up.  For further information go to

1.   Plan Ahead For Air Compressor Maintenance:

When servicing air compressor systems, routine maintenance is a must. Protect your machinery by regularly inspecting its most integral parts and making sure they are up to the task at hand. Preventing your air compressors from breaking down during the harsh winter months requires a well-maintained system. Preparing for the soaring heat of summer and the biting cold of winter calls for maintenance and inspections to be scheduled in the late spring and late fall, respectively.

1.    Adjust the Louvers:

Louvers can be adjusted to take advantage of heat that is lost from an air compressor and send it back into the system. To keep the mechanism warm in the winter, heat should be directed into the compressor. If you want to save money on your energy bill, you might consider transfer it to another neighboring room. If your compressor does not have a thermostat, that you can still maximize your heating efficiency by adjusting the louvers by hand.

2.    The Ambient Temperature:

It is the single most significant factor in keeping your air compressor from freezing. Even if the compressor room is heated and ventilated adequately, the ambient temperature may be lower than the outside temperature. Keep your air compressor from freezing by keeping the room or cabinet it is housed in at a temperature of at least 5 °C with the help of a small heater.

In addition, you can prevent issues related to low ambient air temperatures by protecting the pipes and air hoses. As a side point, installing trace heating on exposed pipes can prevent condensate from freezing in the pipes and causing issues later down the line.

3.    Consider Filter Change:

Winter’s lower temperatures could lead the oil to thicken, resulting in your compressor operate harder. If you want your compressor to work reliably through the harsh winter weather, you need change the filter. 

4.    Cover Exterior Drain Lines with Tape:

Frozen pipes might slow or even stop your compressor. If you have exposed drain lines outside, you can prevent frozen pipes by wrapping them in heat trace tape. Putting in place heat trace tape to prevent frozen pipes is as simple as putting the tape over the pipes in question.

5.    Weather Proofing Your Air Compressor:  

You may install heaters or improve ventilation in the area of an air compressor air rooms to ensure that the temperature never drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Depending on the location of your compressed air system, this may also involve sealing it off from the elements.

Heat the space to a lower temperature than would be comfortable for humans. However, keeping the temperature at or above 45 degrees Fahrenheit will go quite a distance toward preserving the health of your air compressing system during the winter.

6.    Cold Proofing Your Air Compressor: 

If the region where the air compressor is placed is unable to easily kept above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, you can take measures to cold-proof the system. Depending on the brand of air compressor you have, you may need to install and make use of a lower ambient air temperature limitation switch.

This will keep the system from freezing up if it has to run in the freezing weather. To avoid pipe freezing and condensation, trace heating can be installed around their perimeter. Dryers will run more smoothly and without ice buildup if you install pipe trace heating. Make sure the sump of your air compressor stays above 40 degrees Fahrenheit by installing a heater. Reduce the possibility of pipe and other system parts freezing by providing adequate insulation.

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