Everyone knows that life originated in water. It is no accident that almost everyone loves to spend time in the water or in the pool. The benefits of swimming are undeniable. During swimming work all muscle groups, strengthens the cardiovascular system, lung function improves. After water treatment is received to relax. Go swimming is made possible throughout the year. Summer to do this, there are excellent lakes, and their services are offered by numerous ponds in winter with lifeguard classes near me.
Teach your child to swim from the first days of his life simply. After all, children have an innate diving reflex. All 9 months of fetal development are in an aqueous environment. No coincidence that many parents are hesitant to carry and birth in the bathroom.
The first lessons with a newborn can be done at home. Two months baby generally feels good in water and almost does not need the help of parents. But if this time is missing, you will have to start training from scratch. A newborn baby can independently hold your breath under water and make special swimming movements. Many adults are as interested as children in swimming underwater. There is nothing wonderful in that. Nature has made sure that the newborn feels safe in the water environment.
Training should begin only when the newborn umbilical wound is completely healed. The first swimming lesson must be done at home. Bathroom quite sufficient for a small person. Education is desirable to carry out under the supervision of a specialist.
The lesson begins with the baby taking a bath with father. Water temperature should not be below 37 degrees Celsius. The water temperature can drop by a few degrees with each successive occupation. During the year, training should reach the mark of 28 degrees Celsius.
It is very important during the training is the health of parents. Fears and bad moods can be passed on to the newborn. It should also know how to hold the baby during the trip. If the baby lies on its back, it must be held by the neck and back. In the lying position it is necessary to support the child’s chin.
Watch how little children swim, always a treat. And the awareness that these exercises also bring huge benefits, creates more positive emotions. Swimming allows you to quickly get a stronger little body. Children learn much faster than sitting, standing on legs and walking.
There is no doctor who denies the benefits of swimming for children. Starting lessons from an early age, parents decide several problems at once. A very important argument is security. The child with whom we learn to swim from the first days of his life should never be afraid of the water. This means that the probability that he will drown in the pool or generally be afraid to go into the water, is almost non-existent.
The secret is not the fact that the future of human health depends on how to properly care for them in the first years of his life. Swimming is a great simulator. Lessons left you really laid a solid and reliable foundation for future health. Therefore, it is important to start early swimming lessons from an early age.
Another positive point is the swimming stubbornness. Children get used to the low temperature water and the temperature drops well transferred. These children are much better feeling in the winter cold and are almost not sick.
Despite the huge advantages of navigation with a newborn, parents should also be aware of the other side of the coin. In some cases, swimming can negatively affect the baby’s health. The main reason lies in the fact that the newborn cannot express his feelings. He can’t say he doesn’t like the process. In addition, while swimming in the ears or nose of the baby can get water. And it is full of otitis and other inflammatory processes.
Before teaching a child to swim, you should definitely consult with the district pediatrician. Not recommended for sessions with children who have birth defects, as well as low scores on the Apgar.
If initially deciding where to teach a child to swim. Actually, during the dives a baby swallows some water. Swimming pool with chlorinated water exactly wrong version. After these lessons in the child may occur indigestion, colic, or will be torment. Ideally for swimming you should use boiled or filtered water.