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How To Turn Your Instagram Into A Revenue Stream

The Instagram algorithm is one of the most brutal out there. For every popular post that goes viral, you have equally as many Insta accounts that go completely unnoticed and ignored. And for a social network that’s all about visuals, it makes sense why so much emphasis has been placed on visual content. After all, if people can’t see it or understand what’s being depicted then there’s no point in having it. With so many users now having smartphones instead of cameras at school events, weddings, or family get-togethers, taking pictures with friends has become something everyone does constantly and has become the new normal. But that hasn’t always been the case and Instagram was originally marketed as a way to capture real-life moments instead of creating them out of thin air. The truth is, while the algorithms are still working to find the best possible feed for you and your fellow users, they are also working to make sure you don’t get left behind and drown in an ocean of like-minded users who created fake accounts solely to spam their followers with posts they know will get more likes than genuine ones. As such, Instagram has since become a revenue-generating resource that shouldn’t be ignored just because it may not seem like a feasible avenue at first glance. Here are some tips on how to turn your Instagram account into a revenue-generating resource

Utilize hashtags

If you don’t know what a hashtag is, then you’ve probably been missing out all these years. Hashtags have been a staple of social media for years now, and are essentially words or phrases preceded by a symbol that let anyone who’s using the same platform know what you’re talking about. That is why you can find a ton of other accounts that use the same hashtags as you. For example, if you tagged #armybranch in one of your photos, then anyone searching for #armybranch will see your post in the search results. The amazing thing about hashtags is that they can be used not just for posts but also for comments, likes, and even videos. This is what makes them so useful as they allow you to increase your reach to an even wider audience and also extend your content to Instagram Stories, where they can stay at the top of the feed until you receive your next notification. This is why it’s an absolute must to tag anyone you’re in a photo with or that has a large number of followers so that more people can find out about you and your brand.

Create Photos With Different Types of Content

As Instagram is a visual social platform, one of the best ways to boost your account’s engagement and get more likes is to create different types of content. This may seem like a given, but it’s surprising how many accounts are purely about people doing the same thing over and over again and never experimenting with new ideas. New content can be achieved by creating photos that have different content from the usual nature, lifestyle, food, and travel photos that are usually the norm on social media. For example, take a photo of your team at a business meeting or event that has an entirely different theme to it, such as a conference table with all their documents and files, or a video of them reading and discussing their strategy. Similarly, take photos of your customers enjoying what you make and showing off how it’s used so that your fans can get a better idea of how they’d look like when they’re using your products. Get fast and targeted growth with free Instagram likes and followers on now.

Use Shoppable Ads

When you upload an ad or create a sponsored post on Instagram, your followers see an ad alongside your content. This means that anyone who follows you can see your ad and click on it. This is an ideal way to boost your account’s engagement as it allows you to target your ads more specifically at a certain audience that’s most likely to buy your products. Instagram ads are also a way to increase your business’s visibility as more people will now see your content and click on your ads, increasing your overall following base. For example, you could create an ad that says “Product A + Product B = Perfect Fit” where Product A would be your product and Product B would be one of your competitors. This will help you reach out to your competitors’ customers and boost the ad engagement of your account at the same time.

Offer Discounts and Prizes

If you’re trying to get more followers and likes on your Instagram profile, then offering discounts and prizes for those who follow you is a great idea. This is because people love getting something for free or under a certain price and will instantly like your Instagram account if you give some sort of reward for following you. Take note that you shouldn’t give away prizes and discounts just for the sake of it but with the right goals and objectives in mind. For example, you could create an Instagram ad that asks people to follow you at a certain number of followers to receive a free product. Alternatively, you could create an Instagram account with a certain number of followers that you want to boost, and then offer a free month of service if they follow you.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Reviews And Collaborate With Brands

One thing that Instagram users will tell you is that they love it when people ask for reviews and comments on their posts. These two things aren’t really in Instagram’s algorithm, but they’re essential for building up your Instagram account’s visibility and bringing more followers. Don’t be afraid to ask for reviews and comments on your posts as this is the best way to get them. Make sure you have a unique and relatable story in your Instagram Stories that people would like to share with their friends. This story can be about your products or services, your team members, or anything that makes your audience feel something.


Instagram is a great way to boost your business’s image, reach new customers and create engaging content. However, you have to be careful when choosing the type of content you post and how you interact with your fans and followers. Always remember that the Instagram algorithm is designed to help your account get seen and get noticed by other users so you have to work hard to make sure your content is seen by the right people and that they’re getting the right message. With a little effort and creativity, you can turn your Instagram account into revenue generating resource.