Rubik's Cube

Is a 4×4 Rubik’s Cube harder?


We have been a cube enthusiast for almost 20 years. In that time, we have solved thousands of cubes and have learned a lot about how they work. One thing that’s become clear to me is that the 4×4 cube is harder than the 3×3. It takes more attention and skill to solve it, which means it’s not as easy for beginners—but if you master the techniques involved in solving this type of puzzle first, then learning how to tackle other kinds becomes much easier!

One of the most popular puzzle games in the world is the Rubik’s Cube. The standard 3×3 cube has six faces, each of which is divided into nine squares. The object of the game is to rotate the cube so that each face is a solid color. While the 3×3 cube is a challenging enough puzzle for most people, there are also 4×4 and 5×5 cubes available for those looking for an even greater challenge. So, which of these larger cubes is more difficult?

The answer depends on a few factors. First, the 4×4 cube has twice as many faces as the 3×3, which means that there are more potential combinations of colors. This can make it more difficult to solve. Second, the 4×4 cube also has more edge pieces, which can be tricky to align correctly. Finally, the 5×5 cube has an additional center piece on each face, making it even more complex than the 4×4. For all of these reasons, it is generally agreed that the 4×4 cube is more difficult than the 3×3, while the 5×5 cube is even tougher still.

4x4x4 Overview

The 4x4x4 cube is the largest of all Rubik’s cubes and has 8 corners, 24 edges, and 24 center pieces. The puzzle can be solved in many ways: by performing rotations on one face or two faces; by performing swivel moves on one face or two faces; by performing 2×2 rotations or 2×2 swivels and then solving the rest of the puzzle; or even just by solving any combination thereof.

Solving the first two layers (F2L)

Solving the first two layers (F2L) is the same as solving a  Rubik’s cube 3×3. You can use the same algorithms, notation and steps to get this done.

In fact, you may find that using two F2L sub-solutions gives you more freedom in your final move because they’re easier than just one large 2×2 or 2×3. For example: Let’s say you want to solve this puzzle but don’t have enough pieces left over from your last attempt! In that case, try breaking up those hard edges into smaller chunks by applying some F2L sub-solutions before bringing them together again at their original position in your final 3D shape (see below).

Solving the last layer (OLL)

The OLL algorithms are the same as for a 3×3 cube. The only difference is that the cube is bigger, so you have to move your hands further.

The algorithms are also the same but you have to move your hands further:

Solving the last layer (PLL)

It’s time to tackle the last layer.

The last layer is called PLL, or “PLL is solved,” and it looks like this:

The top left corner has four blue squares and one yellow square on it, while the bottom right corner has five green squares and one blue square.

To solve this puzzle, you’ll need to use your intuition as well as some logic. For example: If there are three adjacent edges with one red side next to them (a “red block”), then they can’t be flipped over because they would no longer form a valid Rubik’s Cube pattern! This also applies if there are two green blocks facing each other (this means that your cube has been solved). However there is one exception: If all three corners have only two sides facing each other then this means that none of them can be flipped over without breaking apart into two separate cubes which makes solving harder than usual due to having fewer pieces available for assembly purposes…

Yes, it is harder. Many people attempt to solve a  Rubik’s cube 4×4 cube first and find it too confusing, so move back to a 3×3.

4×4’s are harder because they have more pieces, more layers and algorithms, and more orientations.

The difficulty of a Rubik’s cube depends on the person solving it. It can be easy or hard depending on the person who is doing it. Some people may find that 4×4 cubes are easier than 3×3 cubes because there are fewer pieces to manipulate but this does not mean that you cannot solve them either!


In conclusion, 4×4 cubes are much harder than 3×3 cubes. They take more time to solve and require a different strategy. If you’re looking for an introduction into Rubik’s Cubes, we recommend starting with a 3×3 cube or even a 2×2 cube before moving on to 4×4 cubes. The latter will give you more opportunity to learn new techniques while also giving your brain some practice with solving algorithms on larger sizes of puzzles!

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