When was the last time you had a drink? If you are in a recovery program, chances are it’s been a long time you had a drink. Do you want a drink?
Well, this question might send you off guard, but you must face this question. When in the outside world, people will shoot off this question to you. You must know what you want – a drink or not?
If not, then why not?
This, too, is a question that your peers will ask when you hang out with them. “Why aren’t you drinking?” After a thorough recovery program, the least you want is to explain to the world why you don’t want a drink.
Halfway houses in Alaska make you strong enough to face such questions and give befitting replies. You can’t stay silent all the time. The world doesn’t take silence positively.
You have two choices:
- You stop hanging out with “drinking” friends
- You start feeling proud of being sober and politely say “no” to drinks
Both choices are good.
The only problem with the first choice is that it is not always possible to avoid people who drink. For some people, it is hard to change their environment. Many people have family members who drink. Imagine living with them when you have just come from a recovery home!
In this situation, your strong sobriety nature can help you resist temptations. Sober living facilities play a crucial role in strengthening your sobriety after a detoxification program. That’s why rehab specialists advise recovering addicts to spend time in such a facility to reinforce their sobriety.
Who needs a house?
Almost everybody who has undergone a recovery program needs someplace “halfway” to implement whatever they learnt during recovery. They must give their brain time to heal. It is risky to immediately go back to their original environment.
The following people need a halfway house more than others:
- You feel overwhelmed about starting a new life independently.
- You have no idea how to have fun or live each day without alcohol.
- You worry about what your friends back home would say about your sobriety. This means you are still not confident about your sobriety.
- You still get strong alcohol cravings.
- You worry about relapsing.
- You have no clear vision of your future.
- You are unemployed and don’t know what to do with your alcohol-free life.
- You have little support from your family or friends.
- You have nowhere to go.
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If you think you are still not prepared for the real world, you must search for “halfway houses near me”.
Benefits of house
The house, with its set of rules and a fixed routine, can give your life a new purpose and direction. It can strengthen your sobriety resolve and give you a strong support system.
You gather confidence to live life independently. And then, you can safely face the questions that the world poses to you. Because now you know what you want in life, you can confidently say to a friend inviting you for a drink, “No thanks, I am a sober man/woman”.