
Red Flag Quiz – Test Yourself

You can find out what your red flag is by taking this What’s Your Red Flag Quiz. It’s the most accurate quiz among the others since it’s regularly updated.

There is no end to the compliments they give you about your beauty.

There is nothing worse than being put on a pedestal by a partner, regardless of how tempting it may seem at first. They don’t see you as you are, but as a projection of some beautiful idea they have in their heads, so whenever you defy those expectations by being a normal, flawed, breathing human being, they’re impossible to console. Furthermore, it is TERRIBLE when someone is so fascinated with you.

It is either much greater or much lesser than yours when it comes to their sexual urge.

You can have as much (or as little) sex as you want in life, but you and your partner need to have a similar libido, or, at the very least, come up with a plan to deal with any disparities. Is it possible that one partner’s ideal sex life involves having sex almost every night, while the other partner is content with having sex occasionally? Whenever one partner continuously initiates sex while the other isn’t in the mood, it’s a recipe for bruised egos, hurt feelings, emotional pressure, and resentment. You should also take this What Is Your Red Flag Quiz.

What Is Your Red Flag Quiz

When you tell your new boo to stop tickling you, does he or she continue to do so? Do they continue to touch you in seemingly benign ways (such as hugs, shoulder rubs, or poking you in the arm like a sibling) when you ask for personal space? This may be an indication that they don’t respect your right to own your body and will push those boundaries even further in the future.

It is too soon for them to enter into a new relationship.

This person is either on the rebound from a previous relationship, engaging in a very poisonous form of serial monogamy, or a malignant narcissist. Whatever the case may be, NOPE NOPE NOPE.

Their goal is to cause a schism between you and your family and friends.

Before they dig their claws any deeper, anyone who wants total control over you should probably be avoided at all costs.

It is common for them to roll their eyes at you.

It’s no surprise that couples who roll their eyes at each other are more likely to divorce than those who don’t. Great relationships are built on mutual respect, and you don’t respect someone who continuously rolls their eyes at you.

Their ex-partners are all described as “crazy.”

The end of some relationships can leave us bitter toward the ex for years to come, but if your current spouse spews hate at all of the “crazy” previous loves whenever they have the chance, they are the issue.

Quiz information

It is common for people to call you names during heated debates.

If you disagree with someone, be aware that they may suddenly turn into an unrecognizable monster and call you insults that would make their mother want to wash their mouth out with soap. It might be a sign of disrespect or simply poor dispute resolution skills, which do not make for a happy partnership.

There is no work ethic in them.

It does not matter how a person feels about their situation if they are falling behind on life milestones or seem to have their shittogether on the surface. Do they simply lack motivation (in which case, NEXT) or are they suffering from a major setback or sacrifice in their lives? All of us have our own unique schedules. If they are unhappy with their current situation, are they working hard every day to create the life they envision for themselves? A person’s attitude completely determines the difference.

Their parents are unkind to them.

We all have issues with our parents from time to time (show me an adult who blindly worships his or her parents, and I’ll show you a liar), but watch out for partners who lack respect for their parents. If their parents are abusive, then they may refuse to be nice to them if they so desire.) How will they treat others who become close to them if they are cruel and ungrateful to the individuals who literally gave them life?

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