
In many ways, residential roofing is an investment in your home. Besides protecting your home from the elements, it is the main source of insulation, keeping your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The roof is also important for the structure and health of your home, as damage to it can affect your walls, siding, insulation, and foundation. Proper installation and routine maintenance are essential to maintain the structural integrity of your roof. If you’re considering a new roof, here are some tips to keep in mind.

Choosing a roofing material

Choosing a residential roofing material can be a daunting task, but the decision should be made based on the look and style you want for your home. You should choose a durable material that will protect your home for years. If you install a durable roof, you will not have to make costly repairs over time. Consider the cost of each material as well as its longevity. The following are a few tips to help you make a decision.

The style of your home is also important, so make sure the materials are in keeping with the design. Asphalt shingles will fit into almost any style, while tiles are better suited for antique-style homes. In addition, dark roofing will look great on houses that are painted in bright colors. A dark grey or black roof will complement a bright-colored house. The same goes for homes painted white or tan. For a modern look, try to match the roof colour to the house’s walls.

Choosing a style

The style of your roof is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a new house. It can make or break the aesthetic appeal of your home. Before you make your final decision, consider trends in your area and what your potential buyers would like. Generally speaking, there are several styles that are available for different types of homes. The following is a guide to selecting the best residential roofing style for your home.

Before choosing a style for residential roofing, consider whether your neighborhood has an HOA. If so, you might only be able to use certain shingles or colors. However, if you live in a neighborhood without an HOA, you may feel free to use whatever design you want. But if you haven’t, consult your neighbors to see what they prefer. You may want to go for something unique, even if it’s controversial.

Choosing a color

Choosing a color for residential roofing requires some considerations. While the aesthetics of your home will always be the most important factor, consider what else will be visible from the ground, such as the windows and doors. Colors will have an effect on resale value, so dark roofs can make your home appear smaller. Light colors, on the other hand, make the home appear larger. To get an idea of what will work best with the exterior of your home, you can try to use the color visualizer tool available through Owens Corning.

If your siding is black or dark, it’s best to avoid a darker roof. While many light-colored roofs will look okay on dark houses, few will work with a very dark house. However, if your neighborhood is similar to yours, then a darker roof may look great. Therefore, consider the surrounding colors when choosing a color for your roof. If you plan to sell your home, you should consider choosing a color that will look good in all light settings.

Choosing a roofer

If you’re planning to have a new roof installed on your house, you should take some time to find a reputable residential roofing contractor. After all, hiring a substandard roofer can end up costing you time and money. There are several steps to take when choosing a residential roofer, including checking their reputation and licensing. If you want to ensure the highest level of quality for your home, you should check out the reviews and ratings of previous clients.

Look for a roofer with a physical office. You should visit the company’s office to view the roofer’s previous work and ask for references from past customers. If possible, you can even go to their job site to see how they work. Choosing a residential roofer with a large number of references is a good idea, since they can provide you with testimonials from satisfied customers. However, it is important to remember that if you can’t find any, this might be a red flag.


The cost of residential roofing is dependent on several factors. The material used makes up about 40% of the total cost. If you decide to replace a particular shingle with a different one, the replacement process won’t be difficult. The same material can be replaced without much trouble, though heavier materials require stronger structures. Other things that affect the total cost of the project are the size of the shingles, how easy it is to get to the roof, and what kind of house it is.

The area of the roof is usually measured in roofing squares. One roofing square represents 100 square feet. The price of residential roofing installation depends on several factors, but most prominently, on the material chosen. Metal and asphalt roofing systems are the least expensive upfront, but clay and slate roofs are much more expensive to buy and install. Slate and clay roofing materials are also more durable and last for decades. The initial cost of installation is usually higher than that of the material itself.


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