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See how to get likes on Facebook in 10 steps

likes on Facebook in 10 steps

likes on Facebook in 10 steps

Can a Facebook page still make my business sell more? We started with this question to reflect together on the role that the most used social network in the world plays today.

If at the beginning, with the rise of the network in Brazil around 2011, knowing how to get likes (comprar curtidas para o Facebook) on Facebook was essential, is this still the goal?

Then know that the answer is YES! And the main reason for it is that on Facebook your business is able to build an engaged community of people who love your niche, your brand, your products or services. Gaining relevance in your area of ​​expertise is another important benefit.

Suggested: Comprar seguidores do Facebook reais

When we talk about social media now, we need to identify the potential of each to create these communities. It is from this that you will be able to create an engagement cycle to generate more sales.

Okay, so it’s important to know how to get Facebook likes even if it’s considered a “vanity metric”. But how can we make this happen in practice?

Here we will present a more complete overview to detail the reasons that make likes an important element within Facebook and what strategies can help you to get followers and increase likes on your posts.

To complement the tips in this post, you can also check out the infographic with Image Sizes for Facebook (and for Instagram too!), available for free. After all, your visual identity is an indispensable element to get more likes 

Where to focus first: page likes or post likes?

We know that there are 2 types of Facebook likes you can receive: likes on your facebook posts or likes from fans and followers on your Facebook page.

Both types of likes are important. In fact, they are directly related to each other:

For a long time, page likes were the main driver to form each person’s timeline on Facebook. But over time, that dynamic has changed. Advertisements began to have more and more prominence, as well as groups and events, which are highlighted in the promotion of Facebook itself.

But in practice, when someone likes all your publications, comments and interacts frequently, this is taken into account by the social network’s algorithms and can put your brand profile in the spotlight on timelines. So what should we focus on first?

Because of the importance of interaction, the recommended thing is to focus on how to get Facebook likes on your posts.

We always get feedback from people wanting to know how to get the word out or how to get the first people to like a new page. In this case, the main way is to create very relevant posts, which bring engagement, so that people are interested in following your profile.

How a Facebook page can improve your results

Does the public that consumes your content and has the profile to purchase your products or services use Facebook? Have you done this survey with your customer base? If the answers are yes, we can say that yes, Facebook can improve your results by attracting the right audience in your Digital Marketing actions.

But it’s important to be clear: without understanding if Facebook can really grow your business, you’re wasting precious time if you focus on it and not on other more important channels. That makes this an important question to start with.

After that understanding, here are the main benefits of a Facebook business page in generating results:

Increase traffic to your website

Having a strong and engaged Facebook fan base is directly related to an increase in your website traffic.

Remember that social networks can be a great gateway for the public to get to know your company, and that’s why targeting your website is essential so that you can convert that audience into Leads and customers there.

lead generation

Since marketing through your Facebook business page works best for audience generation and not lead generation, it’s easy to direct your Facebook fans to offers on Landing Pages that result in more conversions.

Once you’ve established a Facebook fan base through your page, you can occasionally post offers that will result in a more direct response. This includes purchases or a contact request.

That said, these direct offers will be less effective than indirect offers, such as promoting a free downloadable eBook. This is because indirect offers offer a clearer benefit to educate and warm up this potential customer base.

Think of it as a step-based process. You are moving people from lower levels of knowledge and engagement to higher and higher levels, until they become customers. In the case of B2B companies, this is the ideal path as they need a long-term approach.

Is Facebook Page Marketing Better for a B2B or B2C Business?

This is also a common question when deciding whether to invest in a marketing strategy there, even before knowing how to get likes on Facebook.

In practice, Facebook is a suitable channel for both B2C and B2B companies. Of course most people on Facebook are just there to casually hang out. They rarely think about shopping or requesting a specific service.

But this is where your strategy comes in. The moment you produce content to create an engaged community, which is already waiting for the next publications on the page, you will automatically have an audience to direct the next steps.

Therefore, Facebook can be a profitable marketing channel for almost any business. The main lesson here is that if you’re a B2B company, you need a long-term approach to Facebook. B2C companies, on the other hand, are more open to making direct offers.

10 tips to learn now how to get likes on Facebook

Now let’s get to know the practical tips on what you should do to get the likes you’ve been waiting for.

1. Individually ask friends, family and other employees or partners to like and share

It all starts with your family, close friends and company partners or employees. Even if some of these people aren’t your company’s target audience, it’s important to have the first few likes to generate some credibility for the next people who come to your company.

Users will notice that there are other people who know and trust the company. This shouldn’t significantly increase your numbers, but it’s important in the beginning.

Another important result of this first action is gather feedback from people close to you about how the publications are doing, what’s missing and what’s not cool.

2. Customize your fan page name

Creating a custom URL for your Facebook page makes it much easier to advertise on other channels, especially those that can’t rely on a link or a button.

However, it’s good to remember that Facebook requires at least 25 people to like the page in order for it to get the right to use a custom URL. That’s why it’s important that people close to you are invited to like the page (tip 1) so that you can change the URL as quickly as possible.

3. Share the fan page on other social networks

If you’ve asked your friends to share, it’s only fair that you also share publicly for the audience you already have on other networks.

Share the link on the timelines of the social networks where you are present, such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, among others, and write what the page is about, what it can change in these people’s lives and for whom it is was raised.

Another idea is to create a welcome post on the fan page itself (preferably with an image or a video) and then share that post to further increase the reach of this first update.

4. Use other contact channels that your company has available

If your company already has an audience, such as a newsletter subscriber base or even some reach on offline channels, use it to publicize your actions on the Facebook page.

Since these people already know your company, there is a greater chance that they will like and enjoy it to deepen the relationship.

5. Fill in the “About” page correctly

It is unpleasant to open a fan page and not find the necessary information. It is often possible for the user to close the page without liking it because they do not know what it is about.

To avoid this error, do not forget to fill your fan page with information about your company. That way, whenever someone accesses your page, they can know everything they need.

The main tip for after you create your fan page is to fill in the “About” with:

6. Place a Page Plugin on your website

People who already visit your website and like the content are the most likely to like your profile on Facebook, do you agree?

Placing the Page Plugin (usually placed in the sidebar of the site) is a good way to show these people that your page exists and makes it easier for them to click like.

Another side effect of the box is to convey more credibility to site visitors by showing the faces of known people who have already liked the page (so-called “social proof”).

7. Create promotions

Promotions usually work well on social media and spread easily to increase your number of likes.

Just be careful, however, with Facebook’s usage rules. Many people do not know, for example, that likes cannot serve as voting mechanisms. There are a number of other details you can check out in Facebook’s Promotions Guidelines.

8. Maintain a publishing frequency

Social networks never sleep. Therefore, you must have a frequent presence on your users’ timeline so that your page continues to receive likes.

Just don’t confuse frequency with quantity. It is not by publishing more that your company will have more results on Facebook, but by publishing with a predetermined frequency.

Adjust according to your content production how many publications are possible to be made per day. On the RD Station page we have fixed times for publishing posts, eBooks, events and other types of posts. Create your calendar and start testing!

9. Interact with the audience

It sounds silly, but many companies sin simply by interacting little with the audience. Think of your follower as a person, not a like. Try to respond as quickly as possible to direct messages.

Also like or reply to your fans’ comments on your page posts. Don’t let your audience talk to themselves, especially if a question is asked. Not only will he feel ignored, but every other fan who realizes his page hasn’t returned will feel the same way.

10. Invest in Facebook Ads

If done right, Facebook ad campaigns can work very well to leverage your page. As with any type of advertisement, however, it is necessary to study the subject well to avoid wasting money.

If you’re thinking about advertising on Facebook, read our eBook on Facebook Ads here.

Bonus: don’t forget your visual identity!

Testing artwork and texts in posts, offering content that visually attracts the audience, having a professional logo and sharing images in the correct sizes are factors that make the difference in success within Facebook.

In fact, it is worth saying that none of the tips will work if the page is not visually attractive. So check it out now infographic with Image Sizes for Facebook and Instagram available for free!Post navigation Read more