Engineering Jobs

Top 6 Design & Engineering Jobs of 2030

Robots, 3D printing, artificial intelligence, and generative design are just some new technologies altering how things are conceived and manufactured. People call it a “new industrial revolution” because of significant changes. Does this mean that “the machines” are about to take over? No, in a word. People also look out for Design Engineer.

Train the Robot

As we move from a world where robots are hard-coded for tasks (like in an auto assembly plant) to one where robots do more varied and complex jobs, the need for humans grows. Robots will work with humans more and more in the future. Human trainers will be needed to show robots how to learn and do complicated tasks.

Sensor System Integrators

As more and more things get sensors, they join the Internet of Things, which is growing faster and faster (IoT). But getting all these Internet-connected things to talk to each other (and not just apps on your phone) is becoming a much bigger challenge. It’s one thing for your shoes to track how much you exercise or for your fridge to reorder eggs when you run out, but the real magic will happen when your shoes tell your fridge that you’ve been working out a lot more lately, so it should double your order of Gatorade.

Generative Designer

Design is a growing field, and (algorithmic) design tools will get better and more common, but they won’t eliminate the need for designers. Instead, they will change how a designer does their job.

A new sort of software known as “generative design” will present dozens, if not thousands, of design alternatives based on particular parameters such as weight, strength, cost, size, materials, and so on.

3D Print Specialist

Within the past few years, 3D printers have improved at a fantastic rate, getting faster and able to work with thousands of new types of metals, composites, and other materials. This kind of “additive manufacturing” will become more and more common as prices decrease and software keeps improving. This is good because 3D printing wastes less material and can make complicated shapes that can’t be made with other methods.

AR/VR Experience Curator

If there’s one thing that the Pokémon Go craze shows, it’s how big augmented reality (AR) and its sibling technology, virtual reality (VR), could be. Even though making AR and VR content is already a growing field, it’s clear that it will increase. 

Synthetic Biologist

This may sound like something that scientists can only do with a lot of training. However, the ability to synthesise (or “write”) DNA is becoming considerably more affordable and accessible. Synthesising DNA has many potential uses in human health, where it can be used to make personalised molecules that fight diseases.


There will be a lot of work opportunities for designers, engineers, and other people interested in similar industries in the future decades. 

We don’t think we’ll be upset that robots and their software equivalents took our jobs. Instead, we’ll be thankful that these technologies gave us rewarding new jobs we couldn’t have imagined in 2016. One must also look out for Mechanical Engineering Design Courses In Hyderabad

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