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Types of Child Custody Options: A Guide for Divorcing Parents

Types of Child Custody Options

What are the various types of child custody options available to separated parents who are divorcing? It will vary depending on where they live and what the child’s situation is. There are generally five types of custody: legal, physical, sole, joint, and bird’s nest. Temporary custody is also important.

6 Types of Child Custody

1. Temporary Custody

This is a temporary arrangement that allows parents to make sure their child is taken care of while they wait for the final decision. Temporary custody, like other types of custody, allows the custodial parent the power to make all decisions that affect the child. This type of custody allows the custodial parent to make decisions about the child’s education, health care, and welfare.

Temporary custody guidelines and rules vary from one state to the next. A relative, such as a grandparent, or one of the parents, will typically seek temporary custody of a minor. It is generally granted after both parents have been informed of the petition and given an opportunity to respond (unless both parents are unable or unwilling to care for the child properly). Each state has its own requirements. Understanding the process of requesting temporary custody in your state is important as it could become permanent. These temporary rulings are critical to final decisions regarding support, visitation, and custody of the child.

2. Physical Custody

This option allows you to make your child live with you. Joint physical custody is possible in some states. If this is the case, the other parent of the child has equal time with the child. This arrangement is great because it allows you and your ex-partner to spend as much time with your child as possible. This will only work if the parents live close together. It is essential that you and your other parent maintain a positive and productive relationship. This will prevent conflicts from affecting your child’s well-being.

3. Legal Custody

This custody option gives parents the power and responsibility to make decisions about their child’s upbringing. This means that you have the right to make decisions for your child regarding healthcare, education, and religious upbringing. Many states allow parents to share joint legal custody so that both parents have the ability to make decisions about their children. This is a problem because parents may have conflicting upbringings. This can cause harm to the child.

4. Sole Custody

This option, as the name suggests, gives the custodial rights to one parent, and the other only visit the child. This arrangement is for children who may be in danger or are not safe at home. Of all the types of child custody available, sole custody is the most disruptive. Children who don’t understand or can reason with the parent they are not living with as much as before could be vulnerable to psychological and emotional problems. Children may easily feel guilty for not having the parent they need. This type of custody can lead to conflict between parents due to the limited contact of one parent with the child.

5. Joint Custody

This arrangement allows parents to share decision-making power over their child’s education. Parents usually agree to coordinate their time so that joint custody can work. Sometimes, the court may order parents to share custody. A parent may be given joint custody of their child by a court. This could include joint physical custody, joint legal custody, or both.

Joint custody is beneficial for children of divorcing couples because they have the guarantee of continuous contact and involvement with both parents. This custody arrangement also reduces the burden on each parent for child rearing. It can also be disadvantageous as children must be moved from one parent to the other frequently, which can lead to costly setups.

6. Bird’s nest Custody

This type of child custody allows the child to live in the home, while the parents move in and out. This arrangement is less disruptive to the child but can create problems for parents in making decisions. Parents should have alternate places to live on off days.

Be sure to understand the various types of custody available, and be ready to discuss your preference for one. Your decision should be based on the psychological and emotional consequences for your children.

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