
Wellness Coordinators and Wellbeing As Collaborative Partners

Employee health is known under a variety of various names. You need to see the significance of health for employees in the workplace, don’t you?

A rose with any other name is still the same rose. Does it matter the name we use? Interesting question!

I know I understand that the indigenous Alaskans possess 32 terms for describing snow. Each word is used to describe snow in a specific context. Whatever the name, it remains snow. Does it matter what we call it so long as we are aware of the context within the context in which the word “snow” is utilized? What word is most important? What is the meaning of the word that is important the most? Or is the setting that the word employed that is the most important?

Individual health and its relationship to work are often referred to as employee health, occupational well-being, and well-being. Like a rose, is it important which one we use to describe it? In my research and writing about terms of well-being, health and wellness, I’ve reached three different conclusions:

1. The definition of one word is often accompanied by at least one of the words

2. The definitions that are used today are based on one or two different perspectives on the world (paradigms)

3. Every word has personal meanings attributed to it by the person using it, which is often in accordance with one of the concepts.

As a wellness professional at work, I have come to these three conclusions that have made me think that the significance of our work is more dependent on context rather than on its definition. Is it really important what we refer to what we do, and is it essential to increase the effectiveness of the benefits, value, and benefits of our work? I believe it’s the former.

As long as health, wellness, or wellness researchers can definitively define these terms. They’ll always be the subject of debate. As terms are concerned, health, fitness, and well-being are, as with aesthetics, all in the eyes of the observer. As we grow as a field and researchers discover new information that is not yet known, concepts and definitions that reflect the definitions will also continue to develop.

Each word gives the discussion a different perspective on their similarities. The issue that I see is how to harness these commonalities and the subtle differences and implement them in the workplace in a more collaborative, positive, and non-competitive manner. Instead of saying that we need to focus on health over wellness and well-being instead of health over wellness, we must be thinking about how to combine these three distinct concepts and their distinctly differing models into more collaborative strategies that are beneficial to both employees and employers.

Together with well-being, health, wellness, and other terms you may consider can provide a solid base to address the personal and corporate health and performance problems that both face today. Well-being, health, and wellness providers are, in essence, the components that are essential to both the employee and the organization’s flourishing. Aren’t thriving and its kin advancing the things we truly need?

The challenge of the present is not in better definitions or creating better models but in the implementation of health, wellness, and well-being in a relevant way that significantly impacts employees and their employers. It doesn’t matter if the objectives are cost reduction or cost avoidance and risk reduction, engaging or creating the best environment for employees. The objectives and the challenges are too vast for any single strategy to achieve by itself.

The complicated issues of wellness, health, and well-being, as well as the performance of organizations, cannot be resolved with a straightforward approach. If you believe that health, well-being, and well-being are personal choices that result from individual decisions or the result of a complicated set of interconnected forces that extend beyond the person, Two things are certain:

1. We shouldn’t expect workers to stay well in a toxic psychosocial workplace

2. “We can’t expect to return a changed person into the same environment and expect the change to be sustained. “( Edington 2015)

Work wellness programs must invest equal time, energy, and resources to address health for the individual and the organization.


National Success of Wellness, Including Wellbeing. Part 1. Blog post at Edington Associates. February 23, 2015. Available electronically at: https://www.jayfeldmanwellness.com/

Create Collaborators

Collaboration is a crucial task for the workplace wellness coordinator. I encourage you to allow me to assist you in creating your own successful, effective, and long-lasting program. I specialize in coaching coordinators of worksite programs and developing Done with You worksite employee wellness and health programs. You can contact me at https://twitter.com/drjayfeldman.

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