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Why brands use Yelp Widget for Websites – and you should, too!

In today’s world, every customer is highly aware of their rights and responsibilities. This element has also been enhanced with the introduction of UGC (user-generated content). Most of the customers rely upon these as they are genuine, authentic, and trustworthy. 

One of the main elements of UGC is the reviews. 9 out of 10 customers look for reviews before making a purchase. Whether it is about going to the best cafe in the town or choosing which movie theatre to go to, reviews are the first source of information that people rely upon. 

There are many platforms to search for reviews and Yelp is one of them. Yelp has gained massive popularity among the brands and users too. It serves multiple benefits to the brands and associations if embedded on the website. 

To burst out the cloud of many confusing questions, this blog is for you. In this blog, you will be able to understand why the yelp widget is so much used by brands and why you should use it too. 

So without wasting much time, let’s quickly understand the importance of the Yelp widget for websites.

Importance Of Yelp Widget For Website 

Constructs Social Proof 

Displaying the yelp widget on the website helps in constructing the social proof. What’s better than displaying the unbiased and authentic comments of the customers about your brand or association. 

Since the yelp widget helps in displaying the reviews of the customers. The best part of the yelp widget is that it displays reviews of all possible things be it restaurants to any store. This diversity helps in making your website look visually appealing too. 

When customers see reviews, they find your brand trustworthy. This, later on, leads to a chain of word-of-mouth marketing as people would recommend it to others as well when they will love your products and services. 

Increases The Dwell Time 

The best part about using the yelp widget on the website is that it increases the dwell time of the customers. As mentioned above, reviews display the honest and genuine comments of the customers, the visitors would like to explore your website a little more. 

They would take a keen interest in the products and services offered from your end. This would reduce the bounce rate and increase the dwell time. 

Enhances The Overall Vibrancy 

Adding attractive visuals to a website is never a bad choice. But adding the yelp widget works like magic. When you display it on the website, it looks more eye-catching. 

A simple website does nothing. It is very important to keep your visitors engaged and you can do that by adding a yelp widget on the website. 

The more hold you have on your visitors, the more quickly you will be able to convert them into your potential customers. 


Isn’t it irritating to read the full-fledged description and details of the products and service? If you also think the same, then it is a life savior to add a yelp widget on the website. 

Customers will directly jump into the review section and will be able to get a better picture of your brand and services offered from your end. This saves their time and paves the way to explore your website a little more. 

Magnifies Engagement And Traffic 

Adding a yelp widget helps in making your website stand out from the crowd. From the above points mentioned, you must’ve understood how it boosts the overall look of your website. 

The visitors will get more engaged with your website when they will see it as a bit different from the other boring ones. More engagement means more traffic. This plays a crucial role in increasing the sales and conversions of your brand. 

The more user engagements and traffic you’re able to get on your website, the more chances of skyrocketing your sales will get. 

Opportunity For Small Scale Businesses

Yelp widget has helped many brands especially small scale businesses. Since they do not have tie-ups with big firms and marketers, the strong pillar of support they have is the reviews. 

Since the yelp widget displays a pool of reviews, it works like magic for small-scale businesses. It helps in creating a chain where more reviews get more customers. It helps even the budding businesses and bands gain popularity. The customers don’t mind giving your brand a shot even if it is small scale. This facilitates brand promotion by the customers themselves. 

Let’s Wind It Up! 

So this blog covered the importance and the benefits of adding a yelp widget to your website. 

Reviews are honest teachers that display the true reality of the products and services. Coming from the actual users, it shows how genuine and transparent your brand is. 

Yelp furthermore adds more comfort for the brands as well as for the users too. It shows a variety of reviews from many elements. 

Since now you know the importance of adding a yelp widget on the website, what are you waiting for? Go and quickly add it and see what huge difference it makes!