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Why kids don’t want to go to school

Why kids don't want to go to school

I’ll confess: kids don’t want to go to school. On certain mornings, I dreaded it. There were some days when I’d try to fake illness or just refuse to go. It was a certain type of day that made me feel this way—there was no pattern and my feelings about school varied from day to day, even from minute to minute.

But now that I am an adult, I can reflect on what was going on in my head then and see those days with a clearer understanding. Now as a parent of an elementary school child, I don’t want him to have the same thoughts or feelings about school, so I’m working to make sure he doesn’t (and if he does, he’ll know why).

If you ask yourself how to help your child overcome this feeling, here are some reasons why children may not want to go to school – and parents may be careful about them: so that they do not go back to school necklace.

They’re overwhelmed by anxiety

A lot of kids with anxiety issues have trouble dealing with their emotions and may not be able to articulate their fears. They might be stressed out about tests or overwhelmed by too much homework, but they’re not equipped yet with the tools they need to manage these situations. If you think

So many kids today don’t want to go to school. Why is that? There are plenty of reasons. It could be because they don’t like the subject material, or it could be because they feel like they aren’t learning anything in the first place. It could also be because their teachers have a bad attitude, or their peers give them a hard time. This article explains the most common reasons why children are averse to going to school, and what can be done about it.

Kids of all ages dread those early mornings when they have to get themselves out of bed and go to school. They can’t wait for the summer months, when they don’t have to worry about getting up at the crack of dawn—half asleep and still in their pajamas—to go to class. Some kids even make excuses and fake illnesses so that they can stay home from school. 

Why do kids hate school so much?

One reason is that students are bored with what they’re learning. Kids today need more stimulation than just listening to a teacher talk about something that doesn’t seem relevant to them. If you’re teaching biology, and you want your students’ undivided attention, maybe tell them how the function of a plant’s stoma can be related to their own breathing process. Not only will it help them understand the material better, but it may also inspire them to learn more on their own, too.

Scheduling issues are another reason why kids don’t want to go to school. If you ask any student when they feel most energetic during the day, most likely they’ll say, “the afternoon.” That’s why it’s a shame that in many schools across the country, core academic subjects are taught in the morning while electives and

School is boring

I remember when I was a child and I didn’t want to go to school, I’d throw my books on the floor and yell that I hated homework. “School is boring,” I’d whine. My mom would give me a stern look, pick up my books, and tell me to get ready for school within 30 minutes. After a few years of this routine, she decided it was time for some tough love: one time, she picked up my books, told me I had 30 minutes to get ready for school, then walked out of the room. I yelled after her and begged her to wait. “Why should I?”

She asked calmly. “It’s not like you want to go….” She was right: All the yelling and complaining in the world wasn’t going to change how I felt about school or homework. But if all those kids who are fussing about school really want their parents and teachers to understand what they’re going through, they might try talking things over differently—because it could be that they’re dealing with something more serious than just not wanting to do their homework or take a test. techtablepro

So this is weird. For a long time, the thing I always wanted more than anything was to be a teacher. I have an education degree and taught for about five years before I became a stay-at-home mom. Now that my kids are getting older, they’re going to school more and more, and I find myself feeling jealous of them. Bear with me here as I make my case. Schools have all sorts of things that make them fun:

Final Thought

It may be that your children are actually burnt out. If you have older kids, this is a common problem—they’re overworked and under-rested, and they don’t have time to relax and take a break from the stress of school. If this is the case, try to find ways to help them manage their time better. Set aside sometime each day for them to do nothing but relax. They might not be able to put it into words, but your kids will appreciate it!