If you have ever tried to buy concert tickets online, chances are you’ve encountered one of the many problems with paper ticketing—you can’t buy multiple tickets together unless you want to buy an entire package; it’s nearly impossible to resell unwanted tickets later because there’s no way to verify authenticity; and if you ever lose your physical ticket, you will be out the money and forced to miss the event. It’s time for a change!

How ticket vending machines are inefficient

Vending machines require customers to interact with physical devices in order to make purchases. These devices are not only inconvenient, but also intimidating, especially for people who don’t feel very comfortable in technology. Imagine, for example, how difficult it would be to purchase tickets at one of these machines if you’re an elderly person with limited experience on smartphones or tablets. 

Another challenge with ticket vending machines is that they don’t allow customers to resell their tickets if they have any left over–which unfortunately happens quite often due to unforeseen emergencies such as sickness or car accidents. 

For these reasons and more, many industry experts say that there needs to be some kind of solution that can offer convenience without sacrificing scalability.

New technologies could disrupt this industry

Nft, or non-fungible tokens, is an innovation that could disrupt the ticketing industry. With this new technology and implementation, events would be able to track their customers and not just the assets (tickets) themselves. 

New advances in Nft marketplace development company and access control technology can now replace physical tickets with digital assets, providing multiple benefits including elimination of counterfeiting, reduction of fraudulent secondary markets, security benefits and more.

Advantages of blockchain technology over standard technology

Nft provides an opportunity to leverage blockchain technology to enable: distributed and transparent ownership, perpetual property rights, greater liquidity, automated price discovery and more. 

Our dedicated teams can help you determine if this is the right solution for your needs and navigate us through implementation. 

For over 15 years we have developed robust proprietary software to help launch and operate some of the most successful event-ticketing platforms on the market today. 

With deep experience as an Nft marketplace development company our team has helped shape industry best practices that foster fair transactions while maintaining consumer safety.

How can we incorporate blockchain into tickets so it would be transparent

NFTs are coded tokens that live on blockchain platforms and can be sold, traded, or issued by organizations and individuals. In order to guarantee that this process is transparent, we need to incorporate blockchain development company in some capacity to power our ticketing system. 

There are many advantages of using blockchain technology in this scenario: first of all, ticket sales made over blockchain will create an immutable audit trail and second, only the holders of keys can produce alterations because of features like encryption keys. 

This means that there will be no more instances where batches of tickets end up on secondary markets before they’ve even been released.

What options does NFT ticketing provide guests?

  • Event organisers provide them with bonuses and incentives.
  • They can sell tickets to upcoming events that they will be unable to attend.
  • They can sell collectors’ desired rare tickets.
  • They can carefully save tickets to preserve memories.
  • They can engage in an event organizer’s community.

What chances does NFT Ticketing bring to organisers?

  • They can design art-like tickets that tell the tale of an event, making people desire to collect them.
  • They can authenticate each ticket and identify the owner.
  • When a ticket owner resells an NFT ticket, they receive a portion of the profit.
  • They can have access to potential data to improve future events.
  • They can easily distribute NFT tickets via email or SMS.
  • ticketing system


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