• What is Off Page SEO , What are Backlinks , Digital PR , inbound marketing , Inbound SEO , Link Building , Dofollow Links , Nofollow Links , Sponsored Links , UGC Links , Off Page SEO , Off-site SEO

Increasing the popularity of your website is essential for it to appear among the first results of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) and to do so it is necessary to take care of various aspects through the best SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategies . However, too often we limit ourselves to SEO On Page interventions, that is done directly on the site and aimed at optimizing its contents and internal construction. In doing so, however, the main aspect is neglected: the links that a web page has with other sites and, therefore, its popularity.

What is Off Page SEO

With SEO Off Page (also called SEO Off site ) we mean all those SEO processes that take place outside the website and which increase its authority, popularity and knowledge among potential customers. In this sense, it is appropriate to underline the difference compared to On-page SEO which involves technical optimization of the individual pages of a website.

In the context of an Off page SEO optimization , i.e. concerning those SEO interventions that are done outside the website, backlinks play a fundamental role: in fact, they contribute to link building , i.e. to the construction of a network of links. that come from authoritative and qualified external sites and that make the linked site more reliable. Normally, the greater the number of backlinks, the more authoritative the linked site will be,” We can find relevant websites from google like search for “Tech blog + write for us” to find tech related websites that accept guest post

SEO is part of an inbound marketing strategy that targets people who already have an interest in the things you and your company are providing. It can mean that they have previously purchased from your site, followed you on social media or searched for products / services similar to what you offer on competitor sites. It could therefore mean that they are already actively looking for services or products in your niche.

Inbound marketing strategies therefore try to target these customers by interacting with them. You are trying to attract your ideal customers to your site by offering things they are already interested in. This is where Inbound marketing and SEO align and where implementing a Digital PR strategy in an SEO key can make the difference and be your trump card.

The important thing is to understand it before the others! There are SEOs who mystify the use of Off-site SEO techniques simply saying, if you link building the site is penalized and they place thousands of contents on a site that without the right external actions will hardly be positioned.

Digital PR is an online marketing strategy used by companies to increase their online presence. Digital PRs connect with journalists, bloggers and influencers and send out online press releases to get high-quality backlinks , social media mentions, and improve search engine optimization (SEO).

It’s not that bad … with Digital PR you acquire high quality backlinks from websites and online publications and honest customer reviews. Stop mystifying off-site SEO and the word link building. Digital PR helps you reach your target customers by presenting your business on authoritative and qualified websites and positively affects visibility and positioning on Google .

For “local” companies (restaurants, hairdressers, plumbers, movers, beauticians, etc.), a well-planned Local SEO Digital PR strategy will focus on highlighting the business with online publications on online channels.

What are backlinks?

Search engines, in order to establish the ranking of sites with respect to a certain user query, also evaluate the authoritativeness of web pages , among other aspects . To do this, browsers take into account the number of links to other websites through the so-called backlinks, fundamental factors in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) positioning .

Backlinks: what they are and what they are for

Backlinks are among the most important positioning factors for a website: in particular, they are inbound links that a site receives from other web pages. Also called inbound links, they are links with third parties and can be contained, for example, within a text that mentions a certain site for in-depth reasons.

There can be different types of backlinks , such as, for example:

  • Dofollow link : these are the normal backlinks that tell the browser to consider the linked site in the positioning of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page);
  • Nofollow link : using the rel = “nofollow” attribute, a website can suggest to Google and other search engines which links to follow and which ones to not. In this way, if you want to cite a website but without giving it value from an SEO perspective, you can do it;
  • UGC Links : User Generated Content links are links that come from likes and comments on forums or blogs. By inserting the rel = ”ugc” attribute, the browser is warned that the link has been entered by a user and not by the webmaster ;
  • Sponsored links : if it is a paid link, then the rel = “sponsored” attribute must be used. Otherwise, in fact, the guidelines for webmasters would be violated and the site would be penalized for SEO.

Backlink: the value for SEO

In the context of an Off page SEO optimization , i.e. concerning those SEO interventions that are done outside the website, backlinks play a fundamental role: in fact, they contribute to link building , i.e. to the construction of a network of links. that come from authoritative and qualified external sites and that make the linked site more reliable. Normally, the greater the number of backlinks, the more authoritative the linked site will be, in this regard I suggest reading the article What is PageRank and why is it still so important today ?

However, it is also necessary to pay attention to which web pages they link to: Google and the other search engines, in fact, not only evaluate the quantity of links that a site has, but also the quality and authority of the linked sites . Being linked by unsafe sites or sites that violate webmaster guidelines can in fact lead to heavy penalties on the part of browsers. On the contrary, being cited by very authoritative sites inevitably increases the trust of the search engine, thus also improving the positioning of the site itself.

The main off page SEO tactics are therefore:

  • Link building : this is the number of links with which a web page is cited by other sites. These links, called backlinks, greatly increase the popularity of a website, particularly if they are present on sites deemed authoritative by browsers.
  • Reviews : among the most important elements of Off Page SEO, especially Local SEO, you can find user reviews. On Google, for example, implementing and taking care of this aspect of your website increases the chances of being included in the snack pack, that is the section of the search results that shows local businesses related to the user’s request;
  • Social media : nowadays social networks offer a lot of visibility to companies. While not a ranking factor, they allow a brand to reach a very large number of potential customers, making themselves known and increasing site traffic;

Not sure how to leverage backlinks?

Backlinks are among the most important and decisive SEO factors and knowing how to exploit them properly and correctly is essential to position your website among the first search results of the SERP.

Using backlinks requires great technical skills and a solid knowledge of SEO strategies: for this reason it is necessary to rely on professionals in the sector who, thanks to the experience gained in this field and the theoretical and practical SEO knowledge, can guide your complete SEO activity and performing.

The importance of Off Page SEO

As we have seen, the SEO Off Page in a Digital PR key is a fundamental strategy in order to optimize the website. In fact, it allows not only to improve the ranking on the main search engines but also to increase the popularity of the brand outside of online users. Links acquire particular importance in this practice, as we have seen: the presence of backlinks on authoritative sites, especially if obtained in a natural way, allows both to increase the importance of the web page on browsers and to make itself known more by surfers. of the internet.

An Off Page SEO optimization, then, not only guarantees a greater popularity of the website but also significantly increases its authority in the eyes of search engines and users: in this way the brand gains importance in front of potential customers, increasing its reliability and obtaining numerous other backlinks from equally authoritative sites.

Need an Off-page SEO Expert? Keep in touch

If you too want to optimize your website so as to improve its ranking and make it more popular, you have the opportunity to contact SEO Leader : thanks to the experience gained in this sector, I offer effective Digital PR strategies with sustainable budgets,  promoting growth. of your Brand. Contact me for a free quote and a micro test to evaluate the real effectiveness of this strategy.

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