cheap movers and packers

7 Ways to Find Cheap Movers and Packers in Dubai

Moving can be extremely stressful on its own, but adding the cost of moving services on top of your expenses? Forget about it! If you want to save money by avoiding paying too much for moving services, you need to know where to look. Use these seven tips to find cheap movers and packers in Dubai so you can make your move as affordable as possible.

1)     Get Quotes from Different Companies

Comparing quotes from different companies gives you a better idea of what’s out there, which can help you get a more accurate price range for your moving needs. And if you find out that one company is significantly cheaper than another, it might be worth paying extra for. You could save yourself hundreds or even thousands of dollars!

2)     Check Their Reputation and Reviews

Before hiring a moving company, you should make sure that they have great reviews. The best way to do so is by looking at online reviews on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Yelp, Google Maps, or any other location-based review sites. If you find a company that has both positive and negative reviews alike, then it’s better if you avoid hiring them.

3)     Compare Companies Based On Price

Moving companies might not advertise their prices, but they’re always willing to give you a quote when you call or email. Make sure you keep track of quotes from different movers; if one gives you a low-ball estimate, another mover might just offer a much better deal. Be wary of companies that only offer an estimate—once they have your stuff loaded onto their truck, it will be pretty difficult for them to change their minds about where your stuff goes.

4)     Look at Their Reviews for Cheap Not Inexpensive

If you’re looking for cheap movers, it makes sense to start by looking at companies with a solid reputation. Ask friends or colleagues for recommendations. Check Yelp or other consumer-review sites. Most companies have a profile on social media (and some even have dedicated Facebook groups). All of these are good ways to gauge how trustworthy a company is, even if they don’t move reviews online.

5)     Use Daily Deals

These services can be great for finding cheap movers & packers. They’re especially handy if you’re moving a long distance, or if you have a lot of stuff that needs moving. If you’re not familiar with these sites, they work by letting users post deals on local businesses (such as movers) at heavily discounted prices. The idea is that users can save money by taking advantage of these deals instead of going through traditional channels (like a phone book).

6)     Compare Total Cost – Not Just Hourly Rate

If you’re looking for a mover or packer, be sure to find out what the total cost will be (including, say, fuel) instead of just the hourly rate. You may find that companies are significantly more expensive than others if they charge an hourly rate as opposed to a flat-rate price. This is because some companies don’t include charges like travel time, fuel costs, and so on in their hourly rates. For example, let’s say company A quotes $200 per hour while company B quotes $150 per hour; however, company A includes travel time while company B does not. Company A could end up costing twice as much as company B overall—even though its hourly rate is lower! Be sure to ask about all charges before choosing a moving service provider.

7)     Ask Your Friends!

It can be hard to find cheap movers and packers, especially if you are a new ex-pat living in Dubai. A great first step is to ask your friends or colleagues if they have any recommendations. In addition, ex-pat communities like Expats in UAE on Facebook are helpful resources for finding jobs, tutors, and even flatmates. Even if they don’t have a list of recommendations themselves, chances are good that you’ll get referred somewhere else that will help you out.

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