managed IT services provider

As a business owner, you probably wear a lot of hats. You’re responsible for marketing your company, making sales, providing customer service, and doing everything else to keep your business running smoothly. However, you may not have enough time to focus on IT support. That’s where a managed IT services provider (MSP) comes in. 

What is an MSP?

MSPs offer IT infrastructure maintenance and monitoring services under a monthly service model. MSPs also provide assistance such as help desk, cybersecurity protection, cloud migration, IT consulting, virtualization, hardware and software installation, server upkeep, and technical support.

How does outsourcing IT support to an MSP help your company?

There are many benefits of outsourcing IT support to an MSP. Here are seven of them:

1.  Cost savings

MSPs are usually more affordable than hiring an in-house IT team because they spread the cost of their services across all their clients. Additionally, MSPs often have economies of scale that allow them to get discounts from IT vendors. They can pass these discounts on to their clients, which can help you save even more money.

MSPs can also help you avoid unexpected IT expenses. When you have an MSP, you pay a fixed monthly fee for their services. This predictability can help you budget for IT expenses more effectively.

2. Expertise

Your present IT team is familiar with your company and staff, but they may not always be well-versed when addressing IT issues that they haven’t previously encountered. You may seek advice from non-IT workers to solve technical issues in the short term, but this is not sustainable in the long run.

Working with an MSP means you have a group of experts on your side to help you keep your company running smoothly and safe from cyberthreats. Furthermore, they can collaborate with your in-house IT team to resolve issues, which can enhance the skills of your staff. Most MSPs deal with a wide range of clients, so they can give good advice on tools, technologies, and applications that have shown to be successful for their other customers.

3. Round-the-clock uptime

Your internal IT staff may not always be available to monitor your IT infrastructure at all times. For example, if cybercriminals launched a denial-of-service attack on your systems in the middle of the night, your IT team will only be able to address it the next day.

An MSP can maintain and manage your IT infrastructure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays. Even after hours, they can keep track of network elements like predictive and performance problems, as well as provide early warning regarding cyberthreats that might harm your systems.

4.  IT compliance

If your business is in a regulated industry, such as healthcare and finance, you need to adhere to IT compliance standards, such as HIPAA and PCI DSS. Failing to comply with these standards can result in hefty fines or the permanent closure of your business.

When you outsource IT support to an MSP, they can help you meet these compliance standards by implementing the necessary security measures and conducting regular audits. Additionally, they can provide you with the documentation you need to show that you’re compliant.

If you’re looking for an IT support team in West Palm Beach that can help your business, talk to an MSP today. 


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