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Are you a Java developer? If so, you know that developing Java applications can be challenging. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This blog post will share seven tips for developing Java applications. So read on to learn more!

Move to the Latest Regular Java Version

As a Java developer, staying up-to-date with the latest stable Java version is essential. Not only will this keep your skills sharp, but it will also guarantee that you’re operating the most up-to-date tools and libraries. So whether you’re developing a new Java application or migrating an existing one, we’ve covered you. Don’t forget to check out our Java 8 blog series to learn more about the latest features in Java 8.

Use a Build Tool

A build tool, such as Apache Maven or Gradle, can help you automate your build process. A build tool can also help you manage dependencies, run tests, and generate reports. In short, using a build tool can help you preserve time and decrease mistakes. On the other hand, if you’re not using a build tool, you’re likely doing things the hard way. So we recommend you try Maven or Gradle because it will make your life as a Java developer much more straightforward.

Configure Your IDE

Your IDE is your best friend as a Java developer. Therefore, you should expend some time configuring your IDE. Doing so will assist you in saving time and making fewer mistakes. Besides configuring your IDE, you should also install some essential plugins. For example, the Checkstyle plugin can help you check your code for style errors. There are numerous additional methods to configure your IDE. But some everyday things you might want to do include configuring formatted code, setting up live templates, and installing plugins. So take the time to configure your IDE, and you’ll be pleased.

Learn How to Use Libraries

Libraries can assist you to sidestep developing the wheel. So it’s essential to learn how to operate them correctly. It is also important to select the correct libraries for your project. Not all libraries are constructed similarly. Some are excellently fitted for straightforward tasks than others. When using a library, make sure to read the documentation carefully. The library can be tricky, but this guide will oblige you to sidestep any mistakes. And remember, libraries aren’t just for black-and-white copies of existing code; with some creativity, they can also be used to create project-tailored collections. Moreover, making your libraries can also help you share your code with the community.

Refine And Implement Your Best Testing Practices

Code testing is a vital skill for any Java developer. In fact, by following java security testing best practices can help you catch bugs early and prevent them from being introduced into your code. Several additional testing frameworks are available, such as that by Code Intelligence Application Security Testing for Developers

Get Acquainted with JVM Languages

In addition to Java, many other languages run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). These languages include Scala, Groovy, and Kotlin. Learning a JVM language can be beneficial for many reasons. For one, it can help you write more concise and expressive code. Additionally, it can push you into a better sufficiently-rounded Java developer.  Also, some languages, like Kotlin, can help you avoid common Java errors because they are designed to be safer and more concise. So if you want to level up your Java skills, we recommend that you learn a JVM language.

Use a Source Code Management Tool

A source code management tool like Git or Subversion can help you manage your codebase. It can also assist you in cooperating with other developers in your group. When using a source code management tool, follow best practices. This includes things like using branches and writing descriptive commit messages. Now is the period to start if you’re not using a source code management tool. That’s why you need to use a source code management tool.


It’s challenging to create Java programs. However, observing these seven pieces of advice may make the process more straightforward. So please try them out. Furthermore, you will become a better Java developer by adopting these measures. Therefore, don’t procrastinate in taking action.


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