

The reality is that the majority of us, no matter how hard we strive to live a healthy lifestyle, lead lifestyles and work situations that cause digestive issues. In Ayurveda, digestive dysfunction is defined as an unbalanced digestion fire or the Agni. If unchecked, that is, not having a period of rest ever and cleansing our digestive system, it can cause the accumulation of food waste in our stomach and then the buildup of toxins or ama.

Alongside ama produced by our body as a result of digestive and metabolic procedures, environmental contaminants continually get into our bodies through the lungs, the skin, or through food and drinks. Let’s look at the signs of ama, also known as the buildup of toxins in your body, and find out about Ayurvedic detox packages.

Certain Signs of Accumulated Ama These include

  • Heaviness
  • The morning sluggishness
  • Stiffness
  • Poor concentration
  • Poor appetite
  • Acidity
  • Bloating or feeling heavy after eating
  • Sticky bowel movements
  • Bad breath

Toxins Accumulate Over Time

Chronic joint pain, cold, cough allergy, sinusitis, hormone imbalance, infertility, and skin issues don’t appear overnight. From an Ayurvedic view, ama accumulates within the gut before it moves into the channels and ultimately acts as a catalyst for the formation of diseases.

Dietary Habits that Cause poor digestion as well as ama include

  • Consistently eating heavy meals like eggs, meat, cheese, cold milk, or cheese
  • Overeating
  • Consuming excessive quantities of food that is raw
  • Consuming food prior to the meal ensures that the food is properly digested
  • Food that is too late for dinner
  • Foods that are incompatible
  • Consuming too much food in a short time
  • When stressed or when you’re on the go

The times that Agni is negatively affected

The changing of the seasons is a natural change that can impact the strength of our digestion, which can result in an ama formation. At these times of the year, it is extremely useful to let your digestive system time to rest and relax by following the ayurvedic detoxification diet.

In traditional Ayurveda cleansing, the process is carefully and routinely performed on a regular basis, based on age and weight, as a crucial element in the prevention of serious or chronic illnesses. This is why Ayurvedic Panchakarma detox is the ideal way to help with the maintenance of health and prolong your life.

If time or money is a concern, this easy ayurvedic detox diet is an easy, exact process that follows clear steps to help in the removal of the accumulation of ama and toxins from the digestive tract as well as those that have accumulated within the tissues beneath.

Benefits of Practicing An Ayurvedic Detox Diet

  • Increased energy efficiency
  • Better digestion
  • Less fluid retention & bloating
  • Easier eliminations (bowel motions, menstruation)
  • Stabilized weight
  • Stabilize blood sugar
  • Increased mental and mood clarity

Ayurvedic Detox Diet Guidelines

The diet and lifestyle guidelines should be used only for a period of 5 days unless recommended for a longer duration by the Ayurveda wellness centre and are not the recommended duration and are not designed to be used for long-term use.


Cooked veggies

Carrot squash and zucchini. Fennel, spinach rocket, green beans, and various other green vegetables, cooked onions, and garlic


Bitter melon and papaya along with small quantities of berries that are fresh, such as blueberries, strawberries, and cooked apples

It is important to note that fruits should be consumed at a minimum of 1 hour after other food items.

Pulses, Legumes & Grains

Mung beans in whole (as soup) or split mung beans (as kitchari or soup) and red lentils (as soups or kitchari). Mung beans flour (as pancakes) and white basmati rice


Incorporate spices into your cooking, like cumin as well as ginger, fennel, as well as small amounts of black pepper, cinnamon, and salt. Also, use fresh herbs such as parsley and coriander as garnishes.


Warm herbal teas, especially Ginger & Fennel, or Cumin, Coriander & Fennel tea, hot Water, as well as Black Tea (without milk) or pomegranate Juice & the water at room temperature.


Milk substitutes or milk alcohol or coffee wheat Bread and Pasta All Meat, Chicken and Fish Sweets and Biscuits, Deep-fried food, left-over food Tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes Cauliflower, Eggplant Cucumbers, raw salads All pulses, except Mung beans and red lentils, Fermented foods such as Yogurt, Vinegar and Soy Sauce Tamari, Miso. And sour food items like Pickles.

You can make use of this information to create your own guidelines for dietary intake to follow for a five-day Ayurvedic detox, but should you require more information regarding Ayurvedic cooking recipes, lifestyle, and herbal medicine, please be a part of the Sunshine Ayurveda Program for a custom treatment plan or one of my Ayurvedic seasonally cleanses.

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