ReactJs - Props & State
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ReactJs: What Is The Difference Between Props and State?

Do you know what state and props are in react JS? Do you know the difference between them? In this blog, we will discuss props and state in react Js. Angular development companies use the state to communicate with a component and props are used to send data to the component. The state is a plain JS object used by react to show updated information about the component. Props are similar to function arguments in JS and attributes in HTML. Let us discuss the differences and some similarities between them.

What Is the State?

The state is a composition that is upgradeable and used to store information about the components. The information in the state can be changed over time. The state can change as a reply to user action. The state is an important part of the React component because it decides the behavior of the component and how it will represent.

State shows the component local information so try to keep it basic and simple and experts of Angular Js development services can help you keep it simple. It keeps values of properties that are related to a component. The value connected with the state will change when the properties related to the component change.


Name- Honda

This is a black CB Shine Drum BS-VI from 2006

In this example company name, model number, color, and launch year are states associated with component bikes.


class Bike extends React.Component {

constructor(props) {


this.state = {

Company: “Honda”,

Model Number : “CB Shine Drum BS VI”,

color: “black”,

launch-year: 2006



render() {

return (


<h1>Name {this.state. Company}</h1>


This is a {this.state.color}

{this.state. Model Number}

from {this.state. launch-year}.






Now, we will change the component properties. ReactJs development company uses the set state () method to change the properties of the component.


Class car extends React.Component {

constructor (props)  {

Super (props) ;

This.state = {

Company: “Maruti Suzuki”,

Model Number : “Swift Dzire”,

Color- “White”,

Launch-year: 2015

} ;


Change Color = () => {

This.setstate ( {color: “blue”} )


Render () {

Return (


<hl>My {this.state.Company}</hl>


It is a {this.state.color}

{this.state.Model Number}

From {this.state.launch-year}.





>Change Bike color</button>





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What are the Props?

Props are components that store values but we cannot change them. They work the same as HTML attributes and can pass data to other components. We cannot modify props like the state inside the component. State stores information about components and props send data to the components. We cannot change the values of the attributes of a tag. React Js web development companies developers can pass arguments in the function and the same happens in props. We can pass information to other components but it is immutable.


Name- Honda

This is a black CB Shine Drum BS VI from 2006

Classs Bike extends React Component {

Render () {

Return <h3>This is {this.props.Company Name}</h3>



Const component = <Bike Company Name= “Honda”/>;


This is a Honda

The props object should be passed to the constructor using super if the component has a constructor.


Class Bike extends React.Component {

constructor (props) ;

Super (props) ;


Render () {

Return <h2> This ia a Bike</h2>;

Output- This is a Bike

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Differences Between Props and State

  1. The state is changeable but props are not changeable and it is a read-only component.
  2. We can change the values of the state but props values cannot be changed.
  3. State stores all the information about the component but props pass the information to other components.
  4. The state is set by the parent component but whereas in props components manage themself and are set by the handlers.
  5. Angular development company says stateless components cannot have a state but stateless components can have props.
  6. The State cannot make components recyclable but props can make components reusable.
  7. The state is inside and controlled by the react component whereas props are outside and it is controlled by whatever provides the component.
  8. A state cannot change child components but props can change and access child components.
  9. The state is used for making changes in the components but props are used to communicate between components.

Similarities and Changes in State and Props

  1. State and props both react JS objects and both can get initial value from the parent component.
  2. Both can set default values in their components.
  3. State and props can set initial values for child components.

Final Thoughts

After discussing all the differences between react state and props, it is clear that whenever changes in values of components are needed we should consider the state to change the properties. To properly use state and props people can consult ReactJs development services to hire the best specialists in town. If we talk about props it is immutable and it allows child components to see methods that are described in parent components. We can use props to pass information from one component to another.

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Kamal Singh, founder of href=>TechBursters and Marketing Manager at Devstringx Technologies a top Custom Software Development Company. He has great working experience in the IT domain. His role includes overall quality assessment and business development for Devstringx. Explore him through his ideas on a number of domains and as a part-time author of this blog.

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