
Without smooth flow and transfer of product information internally and across online marketplaces, businesses cannot survive, let alone sustainability and growth. The process of transferring product information is referred to as syndication. The faster it is, the more the businesses are likely to grow and thrive in the digital landscape. Companies need to maintain a complex digital Distributors network to share their product information with suppliers and channel partners in a defined structure (catalog) that presents their products, services, and brand in the best possible way. Traditional means to do this are labor-intensive and take a lot of time. That is where organizations need a new-age technology, such as Bridge – Amaze PXM’s Syndication Platform. Amaze PXMis a comprehensive product experience management (PXM) software product preloaded with advanced features like content creation, data enrichment, DAM, syndication, and much more.

Distributors, too, need such an instrumental tool to speed up and scale. They have to receive product data from different suppliers and transform it into their own catalog structure before syndicating it to their eCommerce site and marketplaces. At the same time, they need to ensure the product information is correct, complete, rich, and relevant to the product they want to sell. Wondering, how can you, as a distributor, do it to scale up in multichannel eCommerce? AmazePXM’s syndication can do it for you.

In B2B and B2C digital commerce, syndication happens two ways: inward and outward. In both cases, the Amaze syndication platform comes handy.

Inward Syndication

Inward syndication is when product data comes into the distributors’ system from various sources or manufacturers that provide them with the products they sell. They have to keep track of and host each piece of this information and then transform it in a way that defines and describes their products completely. Furthermore, the data received could be in different forms and formats, such as text, images, audio, PDFs, GIFs, and more. Each piece of this data is vital to delivering a compelling product experience and scaling up from there. But if it sits static in the database without being accessible by people who need it, it serves no purpose. Making it accessible for the right set of users and channel partner is crucial. Amaze PXM’s syndication feature  sets rule for data governance and user-rights so that the right person gets the access to the right piece of information at the right time. It provides users with complete, end-to-end control over product data, whether received or sent or ready to be sent.

Outward Syndication

Syndication challenges are almost similar with manufacturers as well. They have to send product data to various channel partners who sell their products. Not surprisingly, each partner will have different requirements and definitions on how products should be described and categorized in the catalog. That means the catalog of each channel partner will have a different structure and design from that of the manufacturer. Product information has to be transformed or syndicated to meet the requirements of the receiver’s catalog. It is known as outward syndication. Amaze Product Experience Management software comes loaded with advanced syndication capabilities to let businesses make this happen at lightning speed, accelerate time-to-market, and grow.

What Amaze has in it for distributors

Amaze PXM software provides a function-rich syndication platform that allows distributors to receive and send product information, with accuracy ensured. Amaze syndication boosts their ability to launch and publish products more efficiently in no time whatsoever. It saves them lots of time and effort while sharing product information, whether internally or across eCommerce marketplaces. It frees distributors from the burden of managing the transformation catalogs every time. The platform enables users to build transformation rules that qualify products from a source catalog to a target catalog. The rules, once defined, continue to evaluate SKUs and automatically change their eligibility and attribute population based on any change made to either the SKU data or the catalog structure. What’s more, Amaze syndication allows quicker adoption of product change and new product introduction. The platform has a user-friendly intuitive wizard to guide users and is significantly scalable to work with multiple channels transforming millions of SKUs Read More


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