How To Create Content To Attract Customers On Facebook
Digital Marketing

How To Create Content To Attract Customers On Facebook

Your Facebook marketing strategy has already gone through the first stage: creating and customizing the fan page. Now it’s time to start planning and producing the quality content you’re going to post there.

You want to ensure that your efforts are rewarded and that users of the social network identify with your brand strategy. It is necessary to keep in mind four practical and very important points.

1. Address relevant topics

Your Facebook page should not function as a simplified replica of your virtual store or as an “advertising machine.” It is necessary to include information that is really relevant and arouses the interest of people to get them to interact with the content.

The contents must have a “plus,” something more than what people can see when visiting your online store. It can be some scenes in the office, while the products are being manufactured, at an event, or even someone using the product after buying it.

The objective is to make the public identify with your brand and your proposal, enter the site to learn more, and, if everything goes well, end up buying.

Always try to vary the topics of the publications to prevent the fan page from becoming repetitive and ending up being more of the same. It’s a good idea to create a timeline for post topics and get a general idea of what you’re about to upload to your Facebook page.

2. Bet on visual coherence

If you’ve already created great images for your Facebook page cover and profile, there’s no stopping you from using great images on your timeline.

The right word to talk about this is consistency. Ideally, people should recognize the color palette that identifies your brand and immediately distinguish your visual content when seeing it in the feed.

And you can always count on videos. Videos are the most consumed content today and users love to watch videos. You can use Canva and FlexClip to create short videos for Facebook.

3. Take care of the language

As in all communication, it is necessary to consider who your target audience is. Before you start posting, analyze the specific groups of people you want to reach.

The fact that your brand has a relaxed or more sober proposal will undoubtedly impact the language you will use.

Use simple and informal words without losing professionalism (no terms that are too local or rude). In addition to using proper vocabulary, make sure you use correct punctuation and never fail to check your spelling.

Also, take care of the size of the text. If it contains a link, the ideal is that the sentences are not longer than three or four lines. On Facebook and on the internet in general, information has to be fast and accurate. A tip is to include a call to action (or call to action ) at the end of the post to invite the reader to click.

4. Take advantage of hashtags

The power of hashtags is often underestimated. Posts that include a hashtag generate up to 60% more engagement. That means this content will be replicated and reach an audience beyond the one that follows your fan page.

Pay attention to how hashtags are used in your field of action and, whenever possible, include them sparingly and try to add extra information or reinforce the purpose of the post.

Look at the difference between these posts:

  • We have prepared a special course on remarketing! #special course #remarketing #virtual stores #course for online stores
  • We have prepared a special course on remarketing! #onlinestore #onlinecourse

The second is much “cleaner” and shorter, and the hashtags really add something, proving that excess is never ideal.

Limit this resource to no more than three words per hashtag and one or two hashtags per post. Overdoing it can lose the focus of your post or make it seem too “polluted.”


Using these tips, you will be able to generate truly attractive content that will bring good results to your efforts within Facebook. In future articles, we will see how to organize and manage all these publications to increase your fan page’s reach and your online store’s sales.

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