If you’ve ever suffered water damage or fire damage, you know how devastating it can be to your home and belongings. Not only are these kinds of events incredibly stressful, but they also often result in extensive cleaning and repairs that can cost thousands of dollars. But the stress and expense don’t have to be nearly as bad as it sounds, because there are emergency water, fire, and mold remediation professionals who can handle just about any kind of cleanup with minimal disruption to your life and routine.
Do You Need Help with Your Insurance Claim?
Remember that damage control goes beyond just protecting your house. Your main goal is to protect yourself from financial ruin. Start by getting a general overview of your insurance claim options before you file one. You may find that paying out-of-pocket rather than filing an insurance claim will save you money in both out-of-pocket expenses as well as premium costs in future years (if you lose coverage). Whatever decision you make, be sure to record all relevant details about your loss for later use in conversations with your insurer or adjuster.
Mold Remediation Tips
If you are dealing with an active infestation of mold or fungi, use extreme caution. Wear a mask and protective gear—including long sleeves and gloves—and do not let anyone in your household come into contact with it. Keep pets out of infected areas as well. Use bleach on hard surfaces (be sure to test for colorfastness first), or on carpeting and upholstery before hiring a professional to clean them thoroughly. If you’re unsure about what kind of material a surface is made from, look for product labels. Manufacturers will usually list if their products are safe for cleaning using bleach solutions.
Fire Restoration Tips
Fire can quickly cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage; according to FEMA, it is typically one of the top causes of property loss in America. Take steps now that could help save your home or business from destruction by fire. Have a family plan on how you will contact one another and meet up in case of an emergency such as a fire. Make sure everyone knows where you keep an extra house key and learn how to turn off your home’s gas line if there is a leak (you may be able to do so using a special shutoff valve).
Also, consider installing smoke detectors—and replacing batteries regularly—in every room of your home. If you have pets, make sure they are trained not to run out when doors open and place them in a safe location during fires. Finally, develop an evacuation plan for yourself and your loved ones in case of fire; Know two ways out of each room and ensure that everyone can get out safely before calling 911. If your house has already been damaged by fire and smoke, you can get in touch with the experts from fire damage restoration Denver.
Water Restoration Tips
Water is never good news. If you need a reminder of that fact, just recall last week’s flooding in Louisiana. Aside from being incredibly destructive (you can imagine what it did to homes), standing water is also a breeding ground for bacteria and disease-causing microbes. This can make clean-up all that much more urgent.
Here are some helpful tips for cleaning up after a flood
1. Don’t turn on your lights or use your appliances until they’ve been cleaned and dried by a professional—this will prevent electricity from flowing into a standing water, which could lead to electrocution or shock.
Remember: Turn off your power before you clean up any messes! If possible, unplug everything before starting cleanup efforts; otherwise, put them in off positions so that they’re less likely to come on accidentally. Also, be sure not to use any electrical equipment in wet areas until they’ve been properly dried out. You should always call an electrician when there’s even a chance of electrical problems due to flooding—the consequences can be deadly!