Mental Health

Jonah Engler Speaks On Long Term Benefits Of Meditation On Mental Health

Mental wellbeing is one of the most important requirements of modern life. There is already a great deal of stress and tensions on a daily basis; over the past two years this has worsened with the scare of the pandemic and the insecurities created as a result of it.

It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle that takes care of the physical and mental aspects as well.

What Is Mental Health

Mental health refers to the mental well being of a person. This includes the emotional, psychological and social attributes of the mind and its wellbeing.

Mental health is the way the emotional, psychological and social behavior of a person finds expression; whenever the mental health will be affected these behavioral patterns will be affected as well.

It is extremely important for a person to be aware of things or factors that affect their mental health; it can be adversely affected if they do not pay attention to any changes that occur.

Factors Affecting Mental Health In Daily Life

Mental health is the deciding factor of your behavior. There are several factors that can affect a fine functioning of your mental health.

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Paranoia
  • Eating disorders
  • Depression
  • Self-pity or unhappiness with the self
  • Emotional outbursts and panic

These are some of the mental health problems that is commonly found among people and these can get worse unless care is given to finding a cure at the earliest.

How To Improve Mental Health In Daily Life

There are a few ways to improve mental health and you can easily practice these in daily life. Even if there is no apparent mental health related problem, practicing these will only help improve mental health and maintain a healthy equilibrium.

  • Talking about your problems will help a lot. Talk to a friend or a family member if you can about even the smallest problems that is bothering you. Pent up feelings and emotions are extremely dangerous to mental health.
  • Always find a healthy way of life which will include a good diet and eradicate bad habits like drinking and smoking or any other form of addictions.
  • Always find time to sleep healthy; sleep hours for at least 7 to 8 hours will be adequate for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Exercises like yoga and meditation is very important in maintaining a healthy balance of life.
  • Maintain a good company for yourself that may include friends and family. Always be close to positive minded people who will help you grow and share your thoughts on different subjects.
  • Engaging in any activity of your choice that makes you genuinely happy will be helpful for your mental health. it could be an easy one like taking a long walk or spending time with your pet or family members that brings a lot of happiness to the self.

Importance Of Meditation

There are several reasons that makes meditation an integral part of modern life. Jonah Engler stresses on the need for mindful meditation for a stress-free life and greater harmony with one’s surroundings. 

  • The first benefit of meditation is it reduces stress levels that is also the cause of several mental and physical ailments.
  • Meditation is very effective in controlling anxiety levels among people. Anxiety and panic-stricken people often have the side effects of high blood pressure and related ailments.
  • There is a greater control of the mind and all the motions that come within it. Meditation helps to calm the mind down which in turn reduces and control emotional outbursts too.
  • There is a greater self-awareness and greater consciousness of well-being for the self that is created. This also helps to control addictions like excessive smoking and drinking along with intake of food that is unhealthy. Greater consciousness for the self enables you to take better control of such habits on a daily basis.
  • Feeling of peace and harmony is enhanced with meditation. There is a great deal of focus on the inner self and sense of calm within the mind which brings its effects in one’s behavior.
  • Meditation as a process can be helpful in generation greater focus and mindfulness. This helps to pay more attention to work at hand and make one more productive.
  • A greater mental activity and metal calmness will always rejuvenate memory and help fight memory loss or amnesia seen in people of all age groups.

Meditation is a beautiful practice that brings forth a great deal of positivity in your life. As a practice it is easy to follow on a daily basis.

How To Meditate Effectively In Daily Life

There are several meditation tips by Jonah Engler especially for beginners which are extremely helpful in breaking the myths about this practice. It is important that you see this practice as a daily habit rather than some kind of a ritualistic formality that requires a lot of preparation.

  • Meditation can be done daily and at any hour of the day when you have time and are comfortable
  • There is no need for a special arrangement for this or any time requirement for it
  • You can meditate for as less as 5 minutes and get good results out of it
  • Sit in a comfortable position and keep your back straight; you can sit on the floor or on a chair as per convenience
  • Keep your hands on the knees or even clasp them lightly as you place them in the middle of your crossed legs
  • Close your eyes lightly and do not press hard
  • Focus on the inner darkness when you close your eyes
  • Keep focusing through the darkness for a while and keep your mind at ease; do not try to force anything
  • It will come to you gradually with regular practice
  • You will feel the difference when your mind is feeling calm and peaceful gradually
  • As you keep focusing through the dark you may see a small speck of light on which you have to focus

These are some of the ways meditation works; however, each of us have our own comfortable ways to attain peace and harmony through meditation and that alone brings the best results for life.

Choose Mental Health For Better Life

Mental health is very important for a happy and healthy life in general. Ignoring the signs of mental health disturbances can bring serious and adverse consequences like mental disorders and nervous breakdowns. It can also lead to chronic depression and mental ailments in the long run which is dangerous for the self.

Timely detection of even the smallest problem that can affect your mental health in any way will help you improve the factors behind it.

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