Household Moving Company Hutto TX
Household Moving Company Hutto TX

How to File a Complaint Against a Moving Company

A woman left stranded in Listowel is looking for answers after being scammed by a household moving company Hutto TX. The company allegedly took all of her household goods but did not return them until customers paid up inflated prices. She’s now wondering how to file a complaint against the company.

The fraudulent moving company leaves woman stranded in Listowel

A woman from Listowel, Ontario, is seeking redress after being ripped off by a fraudulent moving company. The company allegedly charged her more than $500 to move her belongings but then left her in a pickup truck while she slept in it. The company also told her that she had to unload everything for insurance reasons. When she finally arrived at Listowel on the next day, she realized she had fallen 24 hours behind schedule.

The Canadian Association of Movers posted a warning about the alleged moving scam. Fortunately, some victims were able to retrieve their possessions by themselves or with the help of volunteers. However, others were unable to do so because they live too far away and did not have access to a truck during the busy moving season.

The FMCSA reported that it received more than 3,000 moving complaints in 2017 and nearly 27,000 claims. The number of rogue moving companies has increased steadily in recent years. This is despite the fact that the number of cases of fraud has declined in recent years. In addition, the number of scams involving moving companies has increased significantly in the past five years. In the last five years, 13 moving companies were convicted of operating fraudulently.

How to file a complaint against a moving company

If you’re unhappy with your move, there are several options for filing a complaint against a household moving company Leander TX. You can file your complaint in small claims court or with your state’s Attorney General’s office. The first step is to contact the moving company directly and present your evidence. It’s important to be as calm as possible and state your facts without getting defensive. If damage to your furniture or personal property is involved, you can contact the company’s customer service and ask them to make repairs or compensate you.

There are also a number of consumer protection agencies that can help you with your complaint. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is responsible for licensing and regulating moving companies in the United States. This agency will accept complaints related to license violations, damages to valuable items, and overcharges. The agency will acknowledge your complaint within 30 days and give the affordable long-distance moving Austin TX 120 days to make a good-faith effort to resolve the situation.

The Better Business Bureau and the American Trucking Association are also resources for filing complaints against moving companies. These groups represent moving companies across the country and hold their members to high standards. If a complaint is filed, it will be investigated by the appropriate agency.


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