
Saudi Arabia is an oil-rich, Arab, and Islamic society in the Middle East, which is quite traditional. This desert kingdom is conservative and can pose many hurdles for liberal people. A person who is quite fluent in Arabic is a big plus for one who works here. Various benefits can be derived from a Saudi Arabian employment visa: high salaries, economic lifestyle, bonus schemes, holiday options, etc. Saudi Arabia’s government processes are quite complex and require constant follow-ups and personal, departmental visits. It cannot be managed without special personnel dedicatedly to working on such processes.

Hence, the multinational clients hire a government relations officer (GRO) who acts as the link between the Saudi Arabia Government authorities and the company. In Saudi Arabia, with the services of GRO employee leasing can become convenient, and activities like official submission of legal company documents, which include visa processing, license of the company, and employee’s paperwork to a government relations officer can be managed without any hassle. Staffing agencies generally charge something ranging from 25% to 100% of the hired employee’s wages.

When managed with the correct approach, temporary staffing agencies can grow rapidly and be quite profitable. They can prove to be prospects for the right individual (or group). However, agencies have a lot of loosened ends, and they always are amongst the best when their owners/managers have expertise in many areas.

Temporary staffing agencies lease employees to companies that need employees. They can make huge profits by paying the employees comparatively less than they charge their clients. These margins vary but range from 30% to 70%, depending on industry, supply, demand, and location.

Many companies like to work with staffing agencies. Agencies provide employees on a “need basis.” Companies then look to ramp up resources whenever required. The leased employees require minimal overhead and can be discharged when not needed.

Likewise, employees also like temporary staffing agencies. They provide new opportunities and a flexible work environment with work that is not monotonous. They can grow into bigger positions within the company and be stepping stones to permanent positions.

Let’s discuss how a staffing agency finds the right hire for the right job:

· Overall service recruiting experts: A staffing agency needs to understand the company’s business goals and look for ideal candidates that can help the company grow three-fold and make it the most beneficial business in the industry.

· Talented Network: One needs to review and look back at the pool of talent the staffing agency generally provides for review to companies within the same industry. Not all companies are the same, and some employees may be ideal for one may not be best for the other. Hence, the staffing agency must have an extensive pool of talent who can be placed in an appropriate role in the company.

· Beyond hiring services: Employee leasing is not only about hiring employees. They need to look after their employees as co-partners to the company, especially in a foreign country where they need you to be available as and when the need arises. Services that look beyond their work life, such as retirement benefits, traveling to home country at convenient intervals, etc.

Before engaging with an experienced employment agency, one must first evaluate your company’s needs by answering a few questions. Accordingly, this will help you to evaluate better a staffing agency that fits your specific requirements. 

The qualities that need to be considered and should be given utmost importance are as follows:

·         Solid Team Structure with a dedicated point of contact:

A staffing agency should generally have a structure that appoints a single point of contact for its clients. This will help them ultimately gain a better understanding of company needs and culture to help make the best recruiting decisions. It is also important to understand the dynamics at the staffing agency, such as management dynamics, team dynamics, etc. Hence, in the event of an emergency or if the PRO is unavailable, the client’s needs will still be addressed appropriately, and they do not need to chase the entire agency for resolutions.

·         Sourcing strategy

One of the key reasons to engage a staffing agency is to access a large pool of qualified and talented candidates. Staffing agencies work to build and maintain relationships with candidates for current and future positions which helps them to create a network of active as well as passive candidates to make a mutually beneficial match whenever a company requires a certain talent for their client.Understanding and exploring candidate sourcing strategies is a good way to engage different agencies. It can provide insight into the agency’s values and determine whether they align with your ideas and values.

·         Experience in niche industries:

Some such candidates are looking for a staffing agency that specializes in your industry or a specific department or function. This search can be a challenging one, especially when done over the internet. If your company is focused on growing the technical department, for example, staffing agencies with an IT staffing division with industry knowledge and qualifications required to serve your needs best.

·         Key Performance Indicators:

Lastly, once you have narrowed down the staffing agency, you cannot evaluate their services without actually having experienced them or speaking to references that have used their service. One more idea is to ask potential partners for information on the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are important to you as your staffing agency.

These may include time taken to hire, the cost they incur to hire the right talent, the quality of the talent they hire, or submittals with each placement. Are their services customizable? Based on the information you request about the problem, you are looking to a staffing agency to solve and ensure that their strengths match your needs.  Most of the GRO staffing agencies benefit businesses by saving them the time and effort of interviewing hundreds of candidates and qualifying and screening candidates, completing this task faster and with better results than your internal team. They can provide a scalable workforce with an extensive talent pool of employees to choose from.


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