
Step to Perform Khula Procedure by Law Firms

Khula Procedure by Law Firms:

If you want to conduct khula procedure by law firms, you may contact Nazia Law Associates. The Khula Procedure in Pakistan and Process of Khula in Pakistan is very simple and easy for the Muslim female. For instance, she might say: “I am happy to stay with him although he is impotent.” The silence, in this case, cannot be considered to be a sign of consent.


 The wife can get a divorce from her union in case of mental illness of her husband under situations where the insanity is: I) is a source of extreme stress for her and makes cohabitation difficult or intolerant; and II) constitutes an obstacle to her rights for khula procedure by law firms. In this context, there are two scenarios that are to be distinguished: A) insaneness that is incurable but not associated with lucid intervals and b) insaneness that is associated with the lucid intervals In the event of irreparable mental illness, on-demand by the wife for a divorce and upon proof of the same, the judge or Court for khula procedure by law firms will dissolve the union. In the second scenario, (b), the judge or judicial panel will, following a thorough proof of insanity, impose the duration of one year in order to allow the husband the chance to seek medical treatment. If, at the end of the time and the husband has not been treated for the mental disorder, the judge or judicial committee may, upon the request of the wife and the wife, issue a decree dissolving the marriage.

Law Firms:

The right to khula procedure by law firms request the immediate annulment of marriage in the situation (a) below is in accordance with the stance of the Hanafi madhhab. The other three madhhabs (Maliki Shafi’i, Hanbali, and Maliki) provide for a time duration of one year in the two situations before making a dissolution decision. The wife gives up her right to obtain a dissolution of marriage based on the husband’s mental illness when: I) before her wedding, she was aware of his mental illness. II) when she becomes conscious of his mental illness, the woman expressly accepts his insanity and accepts living with the man. 8.


 The wife can seek an order dissolving her marriage by khula procedure by law firms if her husband suffers from sickness or defect that causes severe prejudice or harm that causes cohabitation intolerance. Imam Muhammad’s remarks in regards to the three first points. (factors that determine dissolution of marriage can be achieved) for example, leprosy and insanity and leprosy. To these, Qahastani (R.A.) has added every flaw that is not able to make marriage with the spouse a possibility without the possibility of harm or prejudice for khula procedure by law firms.


 In accordance with the Shari’ah, husbands are prohibited from treating their wives with cruel treatment. The husband’s cruelty can take many forms, including constant beatings, assaults, or coercion to do acts that are prohibited by Shari’ah.

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