
Take Guide On Widow Remarriage Act

Widow Remarriage Act:

If you wish to know about widow remarriage act or Hindu court marriage, you may contact Nazia Law Associates. The laws regarding divorce have been modified two times since the passage of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 I) through the Hindu Marriage (Amendment) Act 1964, and the second) through the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act 1976 or widow remarriage act or Hindu court marriage.

Divorce Provision:

 The divorce provisions have been amended twice since the passing of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. The original provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 regarding divorce were liberalized through the Marriage Laws (Amendment) Act 1976. The act also introduced a new reason for divorce that is divorce through mutual consent between the parties is now possible as a matrimonial remedy under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or widow remarriage act or Hindu court marriage.


Both spouses can submit an application to the court asking for the dissolution of their marriage through granting a divorce decree, based on any of the reasons listed hereunder. The other person is having sexual relations with anyone other than their spouse. After the wedding, the respondent reacted to her petitioner’s cruelty. After the marriage, the respondent treated the petitioner with cruelty. The petitioner’s respondent resisted the petitioner repeatedly for at least two years prior to the filing of the petition. The petitioner was never contacted again. The respondent changed to another religion, a different one from the Hindu faith.

Hindu Court Marriage:

The respondent for widow remarriage act or Hindu court marriage has suffered from mental disorders for a long time because of the insidious condition of his mind. It is not possible for him to be married to the other respondent. The subject has suffered from a severe and incurable type of Leprosy. The subject has suffered from a venereal disease which is a contagious form. The individual renounced all worldly influences by joining any religious group.


The person in question has not been reported as living for seven years and more. Following the issuance of a decree of legal separation during the process and there was no continuation of cohabitation between spouses for one year or more. any of the parties to a marriage can also petition to dissolve the marriage through widow remarriage act or Hindu court marriage. 18 Following the passing of a decree for the restitution of conjugal rights the course of a hearing, if there hasn’t been any restoration of the rights to conjugal relations between the two parties to the marriage for a time of one year or more. Each party in an engagement may make a request for the dissolution of the marriage or widow remarriage act or Hindu court marriage.

Wife File the Application:

A wife can also file an application to dissolve their marriage with an order of divorce, based on the reason that her husband has already been married to an additional woman and that person is still alive at the time of the petition. [6] A wife may also submit a petition to dissolve her marriage in the event that her husband was indicted for rape, sexual sodomy, or other forms of bestiality.

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