Easiest Asian Languages

The idea of learning an Asian language might seem hectic. But as Asia is the largest continent of the world so there are many varieties of languages and dialects that are spoken there. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to select the language that can open career and travel opportunities for you.

According to an estimate, there are 2300 languages spoken in this continent by 4.5 billion inhabitants. The person can select the language based on their personal and professional objectives. For instance, if a person wants to do business in China, then he must learn the Chinese language. 

Some languages are easy to learn while others are difficult to learn. If a person is finding the Chinese language difficult to learn then he can take the assistance of professional simplified Chinese translation services for business expansion in China. Let’s have a look at the Easiest Asian languages to learn.


The Indonesian language is also called Malay. Malay is not only spoken in Malaysia and Indonesia but it is also spoken in Singapore and Brunei. Approximately, 77 million people in the world speak the Malay language. Malay is one of the easiest languages to learn because it contains no gender, no tenses, no plural, and no conjugations.

The Malay language is written in the Latin alphabet which also makes it the easiest language to learn. How quickly you learn the language also depends upon your motivation behind it.

If you want to start a business in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and Brunei and you are still in the learning process of the Malay language then for business conversations, you can take the assistance of professional Malay translation services. Malay translation services will help you in mitigating the communication barriers in foreign countries.


Universally, Japanese is considered the most difficult Asian language to learn. According to the experts, the people that want to learn the Japanese language will have to consume 2,200 hours to get proficient in the Japanese language. 

The Japanese language is written in three forms Kanji, Katakana, and Hiragana. Kanji characters are used to represent whole words that are usually borrowed from Chinese. Katakana and Hiragana produce the same sounds and also depict syllables.

Don’t consider Japanese a difficult language to learn because of these written forms. If you find difficulty in writing scripts then you must take the assistance of Japanese translation services. The easiest part of the Japanese language is that it has no different tones, no verb conjugations, and no noun genders.

Japan is famous for cutting-edge technology like vending machines, Karaoke, and bullet trains. This is an era of technological advancement. Therefore, if you are taking the time to learn the Japanese language and you want to know about tech-savvy products then you should go for professional Japanese translation services.


Chinese is one of the top most spoken languages in the world. It is the mother tongue of 900 million native speakers. Learning the Chinese language will give you a great move in the world. As China is expected to become the next superpower of the world, therefore, people from all around the world are learning the Chinese language. 

Chinese is an easier language to learn than most European languages. As a learner, you will find both correct and incorrect grammar in Chinese. The interesting thing about the Chinese language is that words are arranged like bricks and you can arrange them in the right order.

Difficult grammar rules like gender and tense are very less in Chinese. This is why the Chinese language is easy to learn and you can compose the Chinese sentences after a few months of studying the language.

 There is no second thought that there are thousands of Chinese characters and they seem different to Chinese learners. In reality, learning Chinese characters are easier to think about. All the Chinese characters are made up of different elements that are called radicals. Once you get familiar with these radicals then they will make more sense to you. If you are taking time in learning the Chinese language and you want to expand your business in China then no worries, you can take the assistance of Chinese Translation services.


Khmer is also known as the Cambodian language This is because it is the official language of Cambodia and it is from the Mon-Khmer family. Do you want to know what makes Kymer the easiest language to learn? The first thing that makes Kymer an easier language to learn is that it is not a tonal language. 

Therefore, you don’t need to change the pitch to depict different meanings. Just like Spanish, French, and English, Khmer follows the SVO, subject-verb-object grammatical structures and they are logical in their orders. 

The easiest part is that learning a new writing system is easier to memorize because the sounds of the words don’t change.

Wrapping Up

Sometimes an easier language can be difficult for you to learn and a difficult language is easier to learn. It will depend upon your motive behind learning a new language. Learning a new language is very productive. It pays you in your personal and professional life.


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