Trails Carolina, a wilderness therapy program for troubled adolescents, has received both praise and concern in the industry. While some families report life-altering results for their child(ren), others have voiced reservations over its treatment methods and safety measures.

Hyde claims that staff receive only minimal training before being sent into the woods with participants, contrary to what was claimed in a letter sent out from the facility claiming staff are trained extensively on first aid and crisis de-escalation techniques.

Legal Requirements

Trails Carolina “Investigation” horror stories have presented multiple challenges, such as one former participant’s lawsuit claiming staff sexual abuse and an ongoing investigation by North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). If a program is licensed to operate legally, certain legal requirements must be fulfilled to ensure safety, accountability, and transparency in order to operate legally.

DHHS requires Trails and other facilities it licenses to employ staff with extensive first aid, nutrition and crisis de-escalation skills – yet one former staff member of Trails told WBTV they received only minimal training before beginning their work at Trails.

Additionally, DHHS inspection records reveal that Trails’ annual inspections often took place over one year apart and no follow-up inspections were performed to make sure deficiencies had been rectified. These inconsistencies raise serious concerns regarding DHHS oversight of Trails and similar wilderness therapy programs which offer growth and healing to troubled youth by helping them de-stress from everyday distractions, build confidence in themselves and gain insights into their issues.

Ethical Considerations

Trails Carolina investigations must be thorough and impartial, which means validating allegations, gathering evidence, as well as holding the program responsible for any legal or standard breaches. They should prioritize participant safety.

Trails Carolina allegations demonstrate the urgent need for greater transparency, accountability and regulation within the wilderness therapy industry. While certain programs provide life-changing support to troubled adolescents, others use abusive practices or ignore their students altogether. kindly read more at Eduqation blog.

Trails Carolina claims its staff receive extensive training in first aid, nutrition and suicide prevention; however, former employees have expressed doubt about this claim and its staff-to-student ratios do not match industry standards.

Although Trails Carolina horror stories have cast a shadow over wilderness therapy, it should be remembered that when administered properly and respectfully it can be an effective treatment option for troubled teens. Before choosing any wilderness therapy program for your child be sure to do research and consult with mental health professionals as this could have serious repercussions for both themselves and the entire program.


Many parents turn to programs like Trails Carolina in hopes that these wilderness therapy programs can lead their troubled teens down a more positive path. Unfortunately, a series of allegations against Trails Carolina (emotional neglect and physical abuse allegations) has raised doubts as to their credibility, prompting calls for increased transparency and independent oversight within this industry.

Trails Carolina has pledged its cooperation in ongoing investigations. Furthermore, its staff undergoes intensive first aid training, wilderness survival tactics and crisis de-escalation techniques. However, allegations regarding its employment policies and whether its staff-to-participant ratio meets industry standards.

Trails Carolina requires its participants to undergo regular psychiatric evaluations as an additional means of providing quality care. Although not an absolute requirement, regular evaluations should help ensure participants receive top quality assistance – and avoid allegations like those raised by Tessie Hyde who claimed she wasn’t immediately provided medical attention after injuring herself on one of its hikes.


Trails Carolina’s scandal highlights the need for greater transparency, accountability, and regulation within the wilderness therapy industry. Parents entrust these programs with their teens’ wellbeing; therefore they deserve assurances that their treatment will be safe and effective.

Recent claims by former Trails Carolina participants and their families regarding mistreatment by the program has resulted in calls for further scrutiny of Trails Carolina, from physical abuse to emotional manipulation. While Trails Carolina denies these accusations, it remains essential to listen to and listen out for the voices of participants as well as their families.

Wilderness therapy offers adolescents who are experiencing emotional or behavioral challenges an invaluable opportunity to grow personally and heal physically. To be effective, programs must adhere to stringent protocols, be administered by professionals with extensive training and oversight from professionals with enough experience – this is particularly important given that adolescents often find themselves isolated in remote locations where they are vulnerable.

Trails Carolina prides itself on offering comprehensive training to its staff, who are regularly overseen by licensed therapists. However, state inspection reports have repeatedly identified failing standards regarding food storage, first aid administration and medication distribution as a weakness in this program.


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