In the healthcare industry, maintaining long-term relationships with your patients is important not only to build a solid reputation, but to maximize ROI as well. The key strategy to nurture relationships with your patients is by establishing and maintaining communication, and email marketing is perhaps the best way to ensure that.

What does email marketing in the healthcare industry mean?

Email marketing is one of the earliest forms of digital marketing, one that has existed since the advent of Internet services. As digital marketing services evolved, the role of email in healthcare digital marketing has gained massive popularity, and here is why:

·         Email users portfolio is constantly growing and expected to exceed cross 4.5 billion users worldwide in 2024, according to Statista.

·         Salesforce reports that ROI from email marketing is approximately 3,800 percent.

·         Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective digital marketing options available.

For the healthcare industry, email marketing can be used to engage their audience and generate viable leads for conversion. Alternatively, you can use email marketing to establish and nurture a mutually beneficial relationship with your patients. Here are a few ways you can use email marketing to strengthen your relationships with patients:

Email Newsletters

This primitive use of email is one of the most effective strategies to build relationships with your patients. You can use newsletter emails for all sorts of updates such as new additions to the practicing team, delivering important news updates, notifying your audience about special events such as, health seminars, medical camps, etc.

Email catalogs

When a patient or a user signs up with your website, they might not have the time to explore everything that you offer, but with catalog emails, you can ensure they learn about your facility, procedures and services offered. Catalog emails include visuals and short descriptions about your healthcare facility and services to better acquaint with your institution. Since it stays in the inbox, users can easily access the catalog when they need.

Maintaining a positive rapport

In the healthcare industry, it’s all about the ‘care’ you extend, and you can ensure this by using personalized content such as health tips for patients based on their condition, or recent visits to the facility.

Encouraging participation

If your patients interact with you, it shows they are satisfied and trust your services. Create CTA (call to action) content such as scheduling an appointment, attending a live webinar, or leaving feedback. A good response rate means you maintain a positive relationship.

Tips on how to make your email campaign engaging and interesting

We all know by now that email marketing can be a strong catalyst to strengthen relationships with your patients. However in order to make your campaigns effective use the following tips:

Create customized content

Customize content depending on user preferences or activities. For example, if a user was unable to complete the appointment scheduling process, real estate digital marketing agency send a follow-up email to confirm if they still need the services.

Feature Vlogs in email

Emails are no longer static platforms, you can conveniently embed gifs, animated clips, or even videos, making them a great option to build a fan base for your Vlogs and webinars.

Above and beyond

Not everything has to do with healthcare in order to strengthen your relations with the patient. When you have your patient’s personal information such as DOB, gender, siblings, spouse and dependents. Use it to send out personalized greetings and to wish them on special occasions such as birthdays, father’s day, Mother’s day, etc. it shows them you care. 


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