When you are considering solar panel installation, you should know a few things before you begin. You should be aware of the process of getting the permits, finding a contractor, and cost. It’s also important to know how to wire a solar panel. Fortunately, there are a few different videos to help you along the way.

Installing solar panels

If you’re interested in installing solar panels in your home, there are several steps you need to take before you get started. The first step is to get the necessary permits from your local building department. You may also need to submit a site plan. Then, you’ll need to file paperwork with your local utility company, such as a “net metering” agreement, which specifies your new electric rates after installing solar panels and pays you for surplus energy sold back to the utility. The process will also involve several change orders, which are records of any changes made to the original construction contract. These change orders can also affect the total cost of your project.

If you’re installing solar panels on your home, you must make sure that your roof is in good shape. You may need to hire a roofer or a roofing contractor to complete this project, so be sure to ask about the necessary requirements. Some solar panels may interfere with the water flow if water is not directed in the right way. If you’re not sure, ask your contractor to present a plan to ensure that there are no issues with water runoff.

Permitting process

If you want to install solar panels on your property, the permitting process is fairly simple. The first step is contacting your local electric utility. They should have information about solar permitting on their websites. Depending on the state, some utilities have a streamlined process for interconnecting solar energy systems with the existing grid. Once you have your permit in hand, you must notify the utility and your contractor of your plans. In some jurisdictions, the utility will notify you automatically after your solar installation is approved.

Once you’ve applied, your local government will review your application and provide feedback. Many jurisdictions can complete an inspection within two days. Other AHJs may require a more lengthy process, which may increase the cost and timeline of installation. You may also want to consider hiring a solar provider who will handle all the details for you.

Finding a contractor

When you’re looking for a contractor to install solar panels, you want to make sure they are reputable and have a long track record of customer satisfaction. This ensures that they won’t flake out on your project and will perform future maintenance for you. Also, be sure to ask about their insurance and licenses. Taking the time to research your potential solar panel installation contractor is worth it.

The internet is a great place to find references for solar contractors, and online reviews of different companies can help you narrow down your choices. Typically, people will leave reviews for businesses that have given them a good or bad experience, so make sure to read the reviews before hiring someone.


The cost of installing solar panels varies widely depending on the size of the system, the state you live in, and the number of panels you want to install. The average cost of installing a 12 kWh system is $3,000 to $7,200. However, this price does not include other job-related components such as labor or supplies. The cost of solar panels also depends on the wattage of each panel. The higher the wattage, the more expensive the panels are. But they require less space to generate the same amount of electricity.

When you are considering the cost of solar panel installation, you should first determine how much you want to spend upfront. Some people choose to pay cash for solar panels, which is often the best way to get the best value for your money. However, there are also other methods of financing solar energy, such as solar leases and solar loans.


A solar panel installation should be done with the highest level of safety possible. Even though solar energy is a great way to power a home, it can be hazardous if the installation is done improperly. One way to minimize the risk of accident is to carefully ground the electrical system. In addition, you should never place the panels directly above flammable vapors or gases. Solar installation entails a variety of risks, including exposure to ultraviolet radiation, falls, and internal injuries. It’s important to wear safety glasses and other fall protection gear. This way, you can avoid falling on the roof or onto the concrete driveway.


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